Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's a Slide Show!

I've been planning on doing a slide show of my Crafty ADD Updates - so you guys could see the progress the way I can in my folders - but I didn't know when I wanted to do it. Then I realized on Monday that it was my 10th update, and I decided that would be perfect! Boy am I glad I did! The slide show is 47 pictures long, and if I had waited until Christmas like I was originally thinking it would have been WAY too much work and never happened!

As it was I almost gave up. I was trying to set up a slideshow through Flickr (because the pictures were already uploaded there), but the program I tried cut me off before I had all 47 pictures. So then I switched to my photobucket account. I first had to upload all the pics, and it still took a lot of playing around, but I finally got it done! Woohoo! Hopefully the next one will go much quicker because I've learned what I'm doing now :P

So here it is - 10 weeks of me being crafty!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Headin' to a hive

Here's a peek at a colony of bee-ds! Happily they've already been swooped up to head to a new hivey home (thanks Erin!) but more can be created on request.I love when happy glaze reactions occur, the last two kiln loads had a bunch of goodies that made me smile.
There are a bunch of new patterns debuting as well, almost all are taken from ethnic inspirations... Mediterranean, Indonesian, Moroccan, etc.

Monday, September 28, 2009


*I'm 99.9% positive I can move out of the house I share with my two roommates.
*I'm 100% positive I can move in with Danny's Mom for a few months.

Things I'm concerned about: In Carrboro the public transportation is right outside my door. I have no idea how the busses in Cary work. I need my license, but in order to get it I'm pretty sure I need proof that I'm a North Carolina citizen. Which I'm not. And if I do the citizen thing..I lose my Massachusetts health benefits. Then I think, well..maybe if I go back to Boston for a little bit, I can work at the old place, get my license, save up some money to eventually move in. But I'm SO afraid that things would change between us. Obviously the pessimist in me is writing today.

I know these are things me and Danny need to talk about, but every time I try to bring them up my eyes fill up with tears and I decide not to do it.

It's even more frustrating because I don't even REALLY know if we could get a place together. He says yes because he has joint custody of his son. But for some reason I feel like once I decide to stay down here something will happen that I don't have a place to live..and then I'll just end up in Boston again.

I know plenty of other girls do the long-distance thing, dating a Marine practically guarantees long-distance at some point, but if I'm already down here..why not just stay??

This is the one and only time in my life I have wished I got my license when I turned 16!

Crafty ADD Update #10

Another week - and more work done on my projects! I didn't quite reach all my goals, but I finally got to work on some projects that have been rattling around my brain, so that makes me happy! Now to the details...


I finally started weaving in the ends on my baby blanket! I'd been dreading it because the yarn was freying and unraveling badly, so I thought it was going to be a major headache. I finally sat down yesterday though, and it was no where near as bad as I thought it was going to be! I used a small dish of water, would wet my fingers, and then use my wet fingers to twist the yarn ends into submission. Other than my fingers turning rather went smoothly!

I think I need to step up my crocheting though... I have about 4 weeks left until the shower, and at the pace that I've been going that will put me a row short of where I need to be :P So I just need to crochet a wee bit more each week than I have been and I should be fine! Good news is I might finally get to go to the new knitting and crochet group my Mom's been going to, and if I make it tonight, that will mean some dedicted time to crocheting. Hopefully my health will hold and I can go!


I finally drafted the pattern for the book mark I've been wanting to start on for the last few weeks! Unfortuntely I now need to go to the store because, despite having two full boxes of thread, I don't have the right color grey for the brain I'm going to do on the right side of the words that you see above.

And for those of you who are going "Huh???" - It's a quote from the show Firefly :P


Yes, I'm STILL working on this bracelet! I told myself I'd have it done by the end of the weekend, and though I did work on it, it just didn't happen. Oh well. Should have it done by next week :P

I did get the pieces out for a necklace I've been wanting to do for weeks, so that makes me happy in the jewelry department! I finally have all the components I need. I won the charm in a blog contest and I've been wanting to make a necklace with it ever since! Actually stringing it is on my to-do list tody.


I'm in a treasury! Aways a great way to wake up :) My earrings are in the middle, second row from the bottom.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My New Tote :)

I won this lovely tote from Char Spirit Creations. Isn't it cute? It's a reversible pocket tote. What's the inside in this picture features the fabric that you see in the pocket as I have it laid out. Then it has a pocket of the plain black fabric. I like using it this way because it's still bright and fun, but not quite as "in your face" as having the main fabric being the rainbow peace signs would be. Who knows? That's my mood right now, I may change my mind on different occasions :P

Not only is this tote reversible, it folds up into the pocket, and so it stores really easily! Perfect for someone who doesn't have a lot of space. Which I don't. Also, what you can't see in this picture is that the strap ties, so you can adjust it to be as long or short as you want. It's actually long enough for me to sling cross-body, and I'm not a small woman!

Now when I first got this in the mail a couple of days ago I didn't know what I was going to do with it. After all, I already have a designated craft bag, and a library tote, so I didn't know what purpose I was going to put this new tote to. I tossed it in the closet and figured that I'd come up with something before long. It's too cute to pass up after all!

Then, last night, I ended up using the tote and it was PERFECT. You see, we lost all water pressure in our apartment, which meant no using the bathroom, and it was too late for the repair guy to come out and look at it. You DON'T tell me I can't use the bathroom! It just does not work well. So we decided at 10 o'clock last night that I was spending the night at my parents house.

What did I use the tote for? Packing of course! I put my pjs, books, crochet project, and some meds in there! Plus some bathroom stuff fit perfectly in the pocket :) In the picture at the top it's still stuffed full from my short trip to my parents, and as you can see, it all fit perfectly! Thanks Char!

Oh yes, we have water pressure again.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Need to Get Ready :)

Mom and I get to do a bazaar in a just two weeks! I'm really excited! I haven't done one in a loooong time. I'm hoping it goes well. I have lot to do to get ready for it. It's a relatively new bazaar, so who knows what the sales will be like, but we figured we'd give it a try since they invited us. If we do well sales-wise, then we'll sign up for some more in the next few months.

Things I need to do:
~ Try to excercise a little each day to make sure I'm strong enough for the bazaar.
~ Double check my prices, make some adjustments to my charms prices...
~ Catch up on my photography so I can tag everything to be sold.
~ Reorganize my necklaces so they are easier to pull out to display.
~ Set up my display and figure out what I need to make adjustments on.
~ Buy anything I need for the displays.

I'm so excited and nervous at the same time!

In the mean's some of my latest items promoted from my shop and my Mom's shop! :) Which is your favorite? Tell me and get an extra entry in my top commentators contest!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Featuring Designs by Vanessa

Designs by Vanessa is this months featured Etsy Blogger! I had the privilage of interviewing her, and I get to share that with you! Have fun getting to know her :) Click on any of the pictures to be taken to the listings for them.

1. What type of art work do you do?

At the moment I enjoy designing jewelry and paper goods.

2. How did you get started doing art work?

My dad is a talented artist and he got me started with painting and drawing probably before I could walk. I am a family therapist by day and art has quickly become my own form of therapy at the end of a long day.

3. Do you do any other crafts?

I love all types of crafts and I especially love learning new crafts. Lately I have enjoyed working with felt.

4. Is there a story behind your shop name?

My name is Vanessa and the designs are by me! A bit narcissistic and not that original but I still like it lol!

5. What's your favorite piece in your shop right now?

I’m loving my felt birdie cards at the moment.

6. Where do you sell your work?

7. Do you blog?

8. Are you on any social networks you'd like to share?

9. Do you watch or listen to anything while you work? If so, what?

Lately I have been addicted to watching 80’s movies while I craft. I love Pretty In Pink, The Breakfast Club and Sixteen Candles. I know these movies by heart so I don’t have to pay too close attention to them.

10. Tell us one random fact about your self *wink*

Pickles are my favorite food! You said random, right?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bad Day

And my first military disappointment. Danny can't come home this weekend because some of the other guys got in trouble for underage drinking. Remind me to send them 'thank you' cards.

I'm also homesick today. I miss Boston like crazy.

All I want to do is cry today. This is pathetic.

Designing Queen!

I'm going to be a designing Queen!!!!! Ok, maybe not quite, but I can start working towards being one :P I bought a program called Bead Tool 3 yesterday, and it's for designing bead weaving projects. I'm so excited! I played around with it a little yesterday. I have a LOT to learn, but the potential is enormous! Now I need to work on the design for this months bead weavers competition...and more I can work on it :)

Now, just so you can laugh at me, guess what the first design I actually worked up was? An image for my current cross-stitch bookmark. Yup, not good at using things for their intended uses...

I've gotten quite a few things listed this week, for once my "showing" off is mostly new items instead of relistings! Which piece is your favorite?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday's Tips #14

If your anything like most crafters you probably have at least one work in progress (WIP) lying around. If your like me, and many others, we might be talking more like half a dozen to a dozen! They are just sitting there, taunting you, so now what?

WIP's aren't a bad thing in and of themselves. They happen for very legitimate reasons. Maybe you needed one more component to finish the piece, and your waiting for it to come in the mail, or a chance to go to the store. Or you got a custom order, so you had to put the piece aside to complete that. Don't get me wrong, custom orders help keep the money rolling in, but they get in the way of doing what you want some times don't they? Of course there are also the pieces that end up in the WIP pile because you are fed up with the piece, or simply not in the mood to do the last little "fiddly work" as one of my team mates put it.

Ok, so we all have those WIP's, what's next?

I'd challenge you to dip into that pile of WIP's once in awhile. Especially if your craft is also a business. If it's just for fun, it's not big deal, but if you sell your work every WIP represents a piece that could potentially make you money, and it can't reach that potential until you finish it!

I personally find it hard to get around to working on the WIP's. I have so many NEW ideas that it's hard to go back and finish up things that got put aside, not matter how legitimate the reason for putting it aside was. My first step in combating that is that I try not to put things in the WIP box in the first place. Unless I'm being faced with a deadline, I try really hard not to start a new piece until I've finished the old one. Sometimes I can't resist, so I make myself alternate between the two, but I try really hard not to abandon anything until its done!

So, next time you wrap up a project, before you start a new one, look in your WIP pile. Try to pull one thing out and finish it before you go onto your next project. You don't have to finish the whole pile, but get one thing done before you go on to your new idea! If you try and do this each time you finish a project, eventually you won't have a WIP pile :) least until you get interrupted again :P I think it's just human nature for us to accumulate those WIP's from time to time. Or at least the artsy/crafty nature!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Crafty ADD Update #9

It's update time again! I love doing these weekly updates :) Helps keep me motivated!


I'm on to the third row! I think I'm starting to pick up speed gain and finally getting used to these fiddely pieces of yarn. Having said that...I'm dreading weaving in the ends because all the ends are freying and it looks like it's going to be a heck of a job! I might start on the first row tonight while watching the Heroes premier though. Lots of breaks and distractions that way :P


I finished putting all my embroidery thread on little bobbins! I knew it was a good sized bag, but I was amazed to see that it filled a whole box! I also finished a WIP I had sitting around. I have two ideas sketched out, I just need to do the actual charting. Don't think I'll get to that today, but I should be able to do it tomorrow, which means I'll have a new pretty project to report on next week!

If this looks should be! I put it aside a few weeks ago to work on my Mom's birthday project. And then it got set aside again while I worked on a custom order. Then I finished another bracelet I had in progress. :P I think I've only added about a threads worth of beads since you last saw it, but it's my main project at the moment! I have a lot of jewelry ideas floating around my head (or in my notebook) but I've made myself a promise not to work on any other pieces until I've added a thread's worth of beads that day. Each thread is approximately 5-6 feet long, so I should finish this by the end of the week that way :)

Another Weekend in Jacksonville

And it was another great weekend. A 2 1/2 hour car ride is EASILY a 7 hour adventure on public transportation. Friday started with two local busses and then the Greyhound bus..I was finally in Jacksonville around 6:30. Just in time for Mexican and a margarita. Then we hit up a local bar with fellow USMC girlfriend blogger, Katie. It was probably the strangest bar I have ever been in, totally decked out in Marines paraphernalia.

Saturday was a busy day. I was sad Saturday morning when I found out that the Dunkin Donuts doesn't have pumpkin coffee. I'm craving the taste as fall SO bad. Then I helped Danny write a letter, which was HARD. I'm used to writing term papers, not professional letters to the military! Then we spent the whole day helping Katie move into her new house..which I'm totally in love with. It makes me want a house so bad. If Danny stays in North Carolina we are going to look into it.

After a long day of moving Katie in, we went to our favorite place ever...the Olive Garden. We were there FOREVER..lots of salad, pasta, bread sticks, TWO bottles of wine, and pumpkin cheesecake. It was great. We talked about everyyyyyything. I love that there are no awkward conversation topics for us, we can talk about anything.

We went back to the barracks for some fun with the guys. Had a few beers and decided to head back to Danny's room. The Staff Sergeant caught us going into his room so we left and decided we would try again in a couple hours. I swear when we went back the Sergeant was waiting for us. It's not so much what he said, they are just so intimidating in their uniforms! So, we left and got a hotel room for the night. Then came the phone calls..Staff Sergeant, Sergeant, Lieutenant. I was pretty intoxicated, I had myself convinced I would end up in jail before the night was over. Over dramatic!

Sunday was a great day. We went down to Wilmington to see the USS North Carolina. We toured the entire ship, read every little piece of information, and had a great time! I stayed at Katie's last night and was SO sad when Danny had to leave. I hate when weekends come to an end. Luckily, I do get to see him every I know I really can't complain.

This week is going to be great..besides trying to get out of my own house for good...I'm going to spend the week with Danny's sister. We are going to have fuuuuun!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

So Many Ideas!

I'm in one of those places again where I have WAY to many ideas to keep up with! Good thing Sharla just got me a new notebook huh? Right now I have plans for two strung necklaces, one hemp necklce, I'm working on a bead woven bracelet, I have plans for another woven necklace, I have a cabochon that I started playing with and want to finish, and I'm going to be buying a new beading program so that I can do some new design work and work out a piece that's been rattling around my brain for a few weeks now! *whew* Oh and I have a few ideas for woven earrings too!

And THAT is just the jewelry :P As you'll see when I do my Crafty ADD post - my blanket for my cousins baby is coming along nicely. I have ideas rattling around my head for future baby things I'd like to mke too... And I have ideas for several bookmarks!

Mom and I were watching this show called "She's Crafty" the other day. I think it's a local show...but it's this young woman who does all sorts of wacky craft projects. She specializes in repurposing items and "going green." Some of what she did on the episode I watched was kinda interesting, there was one project that Mom and I both agreed we could to better, and it left us both wondering how much I'd get done if I actually was healthy and energy again :P There are a lot of projects I'd never attempt right now because it simply involves too much moving around! I'd never be Martha Stewart (can't stand her style for one thing) but I'd definitely have a bunch of fun :P

Oh well, I do have fun with what I can create here and now, and it's no good to just sit and wonder "what if?" right?

Speaking of what I can create - here's the latest items promoted from my shops! Leave a comment on what's your favorite and get an extra entry into the Top Commentators contest!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I've been Featured!

I found myself in this lovely treasury today put together by SFBeads - Thanks!

My piece is the Set Me Free Butterfly Bracelet in the bottom left.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lots of Goodies to Show Off!

I told my friends on plurk last night that I'd gotten goodies in the mail, and I promised to show them off! Don't worry, I would have shown them off anyway :P

First up are these goodies I got in a trade with Creative Supplies. I have several ideas for these, but I'm WAY behind on my product photography so it might be awhile before you see it even if I make it today :P

I got two packages in the mail yesterday. The one with the beady goodies was expected, the other one was a surprise! Since I'm staying with my parents while the paint airs out at my apartment, my hubby brought it over in his backpack. First he dolled out the regular mail, one piece at a time. Then he asked me what was in the packages. Since I didn't know what was in the second package he had to taunt me! First he gave me the supplies... then he threatened to open my surprise...and finally I got to unwrap my lovely present!

I had signed up for a "Craft It Forward" awhile ago, and this was my beautiful present! It's from my friend Sharla. She said it's for keeping track of all my jewelry ideas. So I took her at her word and titled the notebook appropriately.

Then I made a sketch of the idea that was running through my head the night before! I'm hoping to make a broach. Don't worry - when I actually outline it I'll be much more precise and pretty looking than my quick free hand sketch :P I'm not much at drawing...

Last of all...I wanted to show off my custom order I've been working on! I really enjoyed working on it - and she said she really likes it! It went out in the mail today :) It's two matching bracelets, a matching necklce, and two arm ties that she is going to use to tie her shawl to her upper arms.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm a Winner!

Look at this awesome tote I won from Char Spirit Creations!
I can hardly wait to get it!


When I graduated high school only about three people joined the Military. However, going through my friend statuses on Facebook, I've noticed more and more people are joining. In the past week I've seen people going into the Navy, Marines, my cousin joined the Army, and just this morning I saw that someone is leaving for Officer Basic Training in one month.

It's crazy. It makes me wonder why people are joining. Is it because there are no other jobs? Are they proud to serve their country? I know everyone has their own reasons for joining, but I'm very curious as to why NOW. Danny joined when he was 26, the friends I'm seeing join are 24. And honestly, I have considered the Officer thing, it seems like a great thing..but I don't think I'm strong enough to make it through basic!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rumors Suck

I hated rumors in college and I still hate rumors. Danny went to formation tonight, when he came back online he said:

Danny: please tell me everything will be ok between us if i go to the west coast

It was so out of the blue that I knew something must have been said. He said there is a rumor that his entire class will be going to the west coast. So of course now, I'm mildly freaking out. That's far away from North Carolina...and even further away from Massachusetts.

UGH. I want time to stand still and have it always be September so he doesn't have to leave me!

Crafty ADD Update #8 and Health Update

Hey guys! Sorry I've been quiet the last few days. My migraines got REALLY bad, and we figured out that I've been reacting to them painting my apartment complex. I figured this out on Friday, but was determined to just stick it out. Then Saturday was horrible, and when I woke up on Sunday just as bad... Well that's when Mo and I made the decision to have me move back in with my parents temporarily. Hopefully it's just for a week or two until the paint fumes settle. The whole process has been exhausting, but I do seem to be doing some better now that it's been a few days so it looks like it's working!

Have no fear - I packed up my crafty stuff and brought it with me! So I'll still be hard at work creating fun crafty things :D And now that I'm starting to feel a little bit better that means I'll get more done again :P Unlike this last week... Here's where I'm at though!


Didn't get as much done on this, this week. I'm going to have to step it up so it gets done in time for next months baby shower!

Fun piece of news - I just found out yesterday that my "brother" and his wife are having another baby! I won't need to start on that baby blanket until after Christmas though. Plenty of time to figure out what I want to do. I might do another crochet project...or I might do a quilting project :D


I still have a lot of ideas floating around my head for the next cross-stitch project, but I havan't had the brains to do the actual planning. So I've worked more on putting thread on bobbins! Going for a bit of raibow type pattern since these threads don't have numbers like the DMC thread that I have in my other storage box.


I love doing custom orders! This piece is the first piece in 5 piece set I'm making for a gal in Germany. The piece shown above is an arm band that's designed to be able to be tied with one hand to secure a shawl to the upper arm. I'll be making a matching one like this, two bracelets in the same color but w/ beads, and a choker, also with beads

Sunday, September 13, 2009

No excuses

I have a full afternoon of clay on the docket and I'm looking forward to trying out my brand new splurge, a Gel Pro floor mat. For some reason I just don't like working on clay while I'm sitting down (glazing is a different story!) so it means hours of standing on a hard tile floor. I have been coveting this shmushy floor mat as I've heard that they really reduce leg and back fatigue. This will be the end of any reasons to stop work early if it's successful... We shall see the results today!

So I don't miss out on any work time, I will make this a super short post and just share another gorgeous creation that uses one of my pendants. This photo is courtesy of Gunilla - can you believe that this little pendant got to travel all the way to Finland to become part of this lovely necklace? It's so fun to know that my pendants end up in so many interesting places!

Have a wonderful end of the weekend!

The Weekend I Wanted to Kill My Boyfriend

Doesn't sound very pleasant, does it?

Well as most females know..guys aren't very smart. I think it's the extra appendage that they have...they must leak some brain cells out of it.

Anyway, like every other weekend Danny was going to take the Greyhound bus to Raleigh. The bus is supposed to leave at 6:10. Danny called me at 5:50 saying the bus wasn't going to be there until 8. Then at 7:30 he called to say the bus wasn't going to be there until 11:30, and that instead of his sister picking him up at the station he would just take a cab. So I was expecting him to be at the house around 3am.

Around 11:15 he stopped texting. I assumed he just fell asleep on the bus. I was hanging out with his sisters, not really worrying about it..after all, he is a big bad Marine, right? I fell asleep around 1:15 and woke up around 2:15, still..nothing from Danny. You'd think he would atleast say he got on the bus, right? 3:30 comes around..NOTHING. I was FREAKING out. I couldn't sleep, I was pacing, I felt like I was either going to vomit or cry. We called all the Greyhound stations, corporate numbers, cab companies, even Jacksonville police. Seriously, where the heck was he?!?

Around 4:30, we finally realized there was nothing else we could do. I climbed into bed with his sister and attempted to sleep. My plan was to sleep for a few hours and start calling again in the morning.

7:30 rolls around and my phone is ringing. "Hey, whats up babe?" Seriously, what's up?! You wanna know whats up..I was worried sick! I'm like where the hell are you?! And he's like "oh, the bus never came so I got a hotel room with a couple of the other Marines..I slept really good considering I slept on the floor."

SERIOUSLY. He slept good while I was up WORRYING!! Oh I was so mad, but more thankful that nothing had happened to him! He told me he was getting on the 9:40 bus and he'd be home in a few hours. I told him to be prepared for an ass-kicking. Is it that hard to make a phone call saying that he was going to take the bus in the morning? Or am I being an annoying girlfriend?!

Of course when he finally got home I couldn't be mad. We hung out with his sisters, had a few drinks..and made killer nachos. And we're such old people, I think we were in bed at like 10:30..we're so pathetic.

I love sleeping next to him, even if we're not cuddling..I just like knowing he's there. And waking up next to him is the most amazing feeling. I love that sometimes he talks in his sleep. Last night I remember him saying "what are you doing?" Of course I responded.."um...sleeping." And he started giggling like a little girl, it was probably the funniest thing ever. Sometimes I think he lives under a rock, "babe, did you know they serve dinner at the Cheesecake Factory?" It cracks me up. I just love that we can laugh and be nerdy together, the best feeling ever!

I plan to take the bus down there next BETTER be on time..or I'll freak out, I hate not being able to control things like that!

Hope everyone and their Marines are doing well. I'm always thinking of you guys!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Today's post is short and sweet. My migraine is really bad today. So I'm just doing an update on my lastest listings :) Tell me your favorite and get an extra entry into my top commentators contest!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Treasury Loving!

I found myelf in two more treasury's done by team mates - Isn't that cool? Thank you so much to AngelqueCreations and Gr8tJewellery!

You can see one of my hemp bracelets in this one!
Second row, first column.
Go here to comment on the treasury!

You can my "I Love Etsy" bracelet in this one!
Last row, second column.
Go here to comment on the treasury!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Etsy Bloggers Carnival - Talking about OHM

The current Etsy Bloggers Carnival topics are:
1)Sept. 11 is the anniversary of a very tragic event. To make the world better what do you do? Charity donations or support, volunteering, living green or ?
2) Brag on yourself. What are you most proud of in your life?

I'm going to kind of combine the two. There are many things I'm proud of in my life, but my almost two years working at Open House Ministries (OHM) are high on that list! I was day care teacher, but that title doesn't really cover what I did.

(yes, that's me, younger and skinnier)
OHM is a long term homeless shelter. They provide a place to stay while people are getting back on their feet, not to mention lots of services to help them get back on their feet! Residents might stay for three months, or a lot longer, depending on what help they need.

As a day care teacher I not only took care of the kids while the parents were working to get back on their feet, I also ended up doing a lot of impromptu counseling, some chauffeuring, data entry, working in the donations center, and even cooking a spaghetti dinner for 50+ people! Pretty much, I just pitched in where ever I was needed!

That's what I did, what am I doing now? I'm not strong enough to even go volunteer down there any more, so I've decided to start donating a percentage of my sales! Starting this month I'll be donating 10% of all my proceeds to OHM. Each month I'll post up how much the previous month's donation came too! Right now...that comes to $0.20! ok, so that's not much, but I do have a custom order lined up so that will bring the total up :) And I haven't checked in with my consignment store yet for the month.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Bird (but no figs)

This is all about more beautiful things that my wonderful customers, the wonderful artists who give my pendants homes are more like collaborators... have shared with me this week.

First, (actually read my whole post first THEN) go over to the Vintaj blog and vote for Erin's necklace. It's number 16 and it's the first time I've gotten to see one of my pendants wrapped with Vintaj filigree. I love the combination of the petal pink glaze with the Vintaj brass. After you vote, go tell your signficant other, children, friends, neighbors, dog walker and postal worker to vote too. Get this woman some votes!!!

Ok, on to the eye candy! Sharon of Livewire Jewelry came up with two stunning bracelet designs that she has showcased on her blog. I think the color palette is so soothing on both pieces (of course I'm partial to all things blue, green or blue-green!).Dana of Colors of the Woods has done exactly what her name would suggest, create a trio of necklaces that echo the shades you would find in an autumn forest.You can find her pretties on Etsy.Last but not least, Maire inadvertently gave me the greatest idea, I'm not telling yet...but I do think it's very fun! This is definitely one of the reasons I say I have collaborators, not customers!

It's Voting Time!

That's right - it's time to vote in this month's Etsy Bead Weaver Challenge! I don't have an entry this time - but that's doesn't mean you can't go vote! There are some incredible entries and I had a lot of fun deciding! Go to the blog to vote.

And don't worry - I've already got ideas for next months challenge *wink*

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Birds and a fig

Yet another peek of something beautiful from Maire that showcases a Chinook Jewelry pendant! I love the mix of autumn shades and copper with the smoky green glaze on the pendant.

I managed to finally get a bunch of pendants on the website from my last kiln load (long cooled!).
Now the final long weekend of the summer has passed and I'm back into the regular year schedule. I'm glad to have had one last trip out to Sedona for Labor Day, this time for relaxation, not for slinging tons of flagstone! The weather was toasty but pleasant and we were able to enjoy one huge dramatic monsoon storm. We haven't had rain for so long in San Diego that it was a welcome change. I also *may* have snuck into a neighborhood yard to sample one of the beautiful figs that were overflowing from the branches of a huge tree. It *may* have been the best fig I've ever eaten and I *may* have considered sneaking back under the cover of night to fill a bag...but I didn't...honest...

New Beads!

I made a comment on Plurk that I had gone bead shopping - and everyone wanted to see! So here's my stash - I have plans in mind for... well...most of it? LOL I went shopping because I have a custom order and then just some pendants that I wanted better supplies to use with. So most of it actually does have a very specific purpose. some of it was just for fun though :) Because hey, I can't resist the beads!


First, I hope everyone had an amazing Labor Day weekend! I got to take Danny home to Boston with me for the very first time. We had SUCH a good time! He was very nervous to meet my parents, but I think within minutes of meeting them all fears went out the window.

Friday night we went out to eat and for some scorpion bowls with my Mom, sister and a whole bunch of my friends. We ate a lot and had a lot of laughs. It was a good chance for everyone to get to meet him. It was the first time I have seen my friends since my going away party in May, I was SO SO SO excited to see them. I seriously think I have the most amazing friends EVER.

After, we all headed into Boston to see my favorite 80's band. I was so excited for Danny to experience one of my favorite places. We danced and drank and had a great time. Even after the bar closed we hungout on the streets (which I have no memory of, thank God for pictures!) I don't even know what time we got home, I think it was around 3:30.

Saturday we headed up to my lake house in Maine. We had SUCH a good weekend. He hungout with my Dad, cousin and his friend..did all the "guy" stuff, horseshoes and some weird games my cousin brought with him. I knew he was in when I heard them all trash talking each other. I'll be honest, he's the first guy I've brought home who can handle it...and give it right back! We spent time out on the boat, had a lobster bake on the beach and had a great time! I love that he got along with everyone!

Sunday we celebrated Danny's 27th birthday. We had a turkey dinner on the beach, I think Danny has decided my Mom is the best cook ever. We got a card that everyone signed, the guys even put little inside jokes in it from the weekend (Happy 106th Birthday..apparently that was his horrible score when they went golfing!) We got an awesome cake, but the 'copter is all wrong, but HEY! I tried!! And he loved it!

The weekend went by WAY too fast. We are hoping we can get up there again soon..maybe Columbus day weekend?

All my friends LOVED him, I got so many texts saying I have found a great guy, not that I didn't already know that! My parents thought he was awesome, and my Mom thanked him for putting a smile on my face!

Yesterday we went out to dinner for his birthday. We ate WAY too much (as the official end of our fat-ass summer!) I love spending time with him..we only have a few more months until he finds out where he will be stationed. I'm reallyyyyyy hoping its east coast!!! CROSS YOUR FINGERS!!!