Monday, August 31, 2009

Crafty ADD Update #6 And More!

It hasn't been as productive a week for me as it usually is. First I was dealing with the kidney stones (I think thats over), and that slowed me down a lot! Then I got some bad news this weekend, and for once, I didn't feel like crafting! But you know what? That's ok! Sometimes we need to just rest and rejuvinate :) I'm feeling ready to tackle this week now and ready to work on a lot of projects, old and new! So let me tell you about them :D


I'm on to the 6th row out of 9 for my first ever baby blanket! I'm too the point where I've already put together all the squares I had premade so now I'm making a square, adding it, making another, and adding it! It's not really as uneven as it looks in the photograph, I just didn't take the time to straighten it properly.

This blanket is being put in the closet for awhile though. I wasn't making it for anyone in specific (I'm going to donate it), and now I have a cousin to make a baby blanket for! Speaking of which...

I thought I'd have at least a few squares to show you by this update, but all I have is my new hook! Mom and I got together to work on the new one, and quickly discovered that the blanket I was planning on creating is too hard at my level of ability with the yarn I had bought. The disadvantage of having someone who's a master at crocheting (at least I consider her so), is that she sometimes forgets how things look or work for a beginner! So it didn't occur to either of us tha the shiney thread running through the yarn would make it harder for me to work with. The end decision was to keep the yarn (it's pretty!) but use the pattern for granny squares that I originally learned so that it will be easier for me. That's when we decided that a different size hok would also be helpful...and between one thing or another it's taken 4 days for me to get one! Just picked it up this afternoon, and believe me, I can't wait to make that first square!


For some reason one of the few projects I was remotely interested in this week was my cross stitch - as a result, it's almost done! I just have to finish the border and then I get to pick a third book mark to make on this canvas :) Don't know what I'm going to do but I'm considering creating a new pattern...I have a few ideas. We'll see if I get to it this week or not!


As you can see, I didn't make it very far on my project with my first cabochon. It's going to be attached to a free form peyote weave bracelet, and I have a hard time doing something that has no planned pattern! As you can see, my brain forces me to make small patterns out of the chaos. Any way, I just wasn't really in the right mood. Besides, since my Mom's birthday is on Friday it's high time I finally started her birthday present!

That's right, the second Cabochon you see, and the work surrounding it, is the start of what's going to be a hair barret for my Mom. It's going quickly so unless I hit a major snag, I should be done in time! Don't worry - I'll take pictures before I give it to her - and hopefully get a shot with it in her hair at some point too!


I also have to show off the treasuries I'm in right now! I was so excited to find them today! Both are done by team mates from different teams, and they rock! Check 'em out while they are still active :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Catching up :)

I'm catching up! A lot of this was going to go up yesterday, but I got some bad news that kinda threw me for a loop. I blogged about it here if your interested.

Now to the fun stuff!

First - I was featured on Theresa's blog!

Second - Kayla gave me the "Who Loves You?" Award! I'm not passing it on because I simply don't have the energy - but I do want to send you to her blog, The Eclectic Element.

Third - I'm trying to feature my different etsy teams on my treasury blog once a week each. I just starte doing a rainbow series with them! This week is red :)

And Last (but not least!) here are the latest items promoted or listed in my shops! Tell me your favorite and get an extra entry in the Top Commentators contest! Just think...the month's almost winners to be announced soon!

Still Slacking...

...with no new beady pictures to share- horrible, right? I've been doing so much running around trying to get all the mundane daily stuff taken care of before my final days of summer slip away that I have hardly had a moment to get my hands into the clay (normally I would say put my hands in the dirt but my hands have certainly been dirty, just not with clay!).For those (one or two) of you who might be interested in the non-clay fruits of my labor over the past two weeks, I present.... almost three tons of flagstone!!! Ta Da!! I'm not really sure what I was thinking when I suggested to the hubster that we put it all in ourselves over a weekend. No, I was thinking "this won't be too hard at all". That was before the 65 ft flatbed semi pulled up in our Sedona cul de sac (and took a very long time to turn around and get out!) and unloaded two pallets of flagstone into our garage with a forklift. Somehow the rock yard guy's description of "two inch thick" flagstone was not the same as my visualization of what two inches thick would look like. So, we carried, smashed and placed pieces of flagstone that varied from about 50 pounds to well over 100 pounds each. Thank goodness hubster liked the end result or I would still be hearing about it!The much less strenuous and slightly more glitzy project came from when my parents visited right before our trip out to Sedona. We put a glass mosaic backsplash in the kitchen to replace the white, painted over backerboard that was really quite awful but since it was white you didn't really notice that it was painted composite stuff, you kind of had the illusion that it was tiled. All I can say is that it was BLAH! Although hardly what I would call a professional job on the glass mosaic, I am completely happy with it and my little kitchen looks like it now has a good personality at least.
Next summer, re-tiling the fireplace surround and refinishing kitchen cabinets I think!

Now in my dwindling summer break time I intend to read at least two more books - I have today and Tuesday to make it happen!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday's Featured Artist - Little Studio Photography and Jewelry

I was trying to remember this morning where I first met Meg, but I'm not really sure! I think it was back when I was using Entrecard, but I'm not 100% sure. Either way, I soon realized that I had discovered a wonderful artisan with a huge heart. I'm excited to be able to feature her here this week!
1. What type of art work do you do?

I make handcrafted jewelry and do photography

2. How did you get started doing art work?

I started making jewelry in high school so that I could get the pieces I wanted at the prices I could afford, with quality (remember that word??), and continued off and on until I got fibromyalgia. I got so sick I couldn’t work outside of my home so I started my jewelry full time to try and make some income. I haven’t looked back!

My photography started just before high school: I went on a cross country trip with my friend (6 weeks in a minivan woo!) and my mom got me a little point and shoot camera with a roll of film per week. I took some great photos and I was bitten by the bug :)

3. Do you do any other crafts?

Oh I do many crafts; I think it is the ADD. I love to knit and crochet, I love to draw and paint, I love to make homemade soaps, candles and body products, though they take quite a bit of time so I don’t do it often – usually for special Christmas gifts and that sort of thing.

4. Is there a story behind your shop name?

I wanted a name that was friendly and inviting, but not too homey and unprofessional-sounding. I have a very small room to use as my studio and that is really how it came about – a “little studio” for me to work in…sort of cheesy, but now it is done and I can’t change it :)

5. What's your favorite piece in your shop right now?

ACK! That is hard! I really like this ring I recently finished…It has my birthstone in it, so I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised! (featured to the right)

I also am completely in love with my NeoAmour Collection – Inspired by powerful women of the past but designed for women of today. I love the femininity and style of the pieces – not too girly but definitely pretty and they make you feel like a queen yourself when you put them on

6. Where do you sell your work?

7. Do you blog?

I love to blog! I have several blogs: This one is a duplicate of my meglittlestudio blog for those who for whatever reason can’t see my main one :) for recipes catering to people with food allergies

8. Are you on any social networks you'd like to share?

9. Do you watch or listen to anything while you work? If so, what?

I love to listen to music while I create – classical, Celtic, or simple slow music – I find that fast music just makes me want to get up and sing and dance!

10. Tell us one random fact about your self *wink*

I can write in mirror image almost as well as I can write normally….however, as my handwriting is truly abysmal, that isn’t really saying much!

Want a great deal on her incredible jewelry? Well your in luck! Right now she has a 20% off sale running in her shop!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Just Can't Decide!

The current BlogFire assignment is to blog about our favorite crafting technique, but the problem is I just can't decide! I will say that I'm a jewelry artist first and foremost, but I also really enjoy crocheting, knitting, cross-stitch, hand quilting, and I'd love to learn more things!

Even in the jewelry world I enjoy many different techniques. I love bead weave, but I also love knotting hemp, stringing pretty patterns, doing wire work, and there are even more things I'd love to learn how to do! You can see this reflected in my shops and here on my blog.

So how do I pick a favorite among all of those?

I suppose I'll just have to say that my favorite craft technique is whatever I happen to most engrossed in at the time! I've spent a lot of time working on my bead weaving projects today, so I could say that's my favorite today, except for the fact that I've been working on them so focusedly because I want to finish them before I start some other projects!

Yes, I'm a little crazy.


I've just returned home from a whirlwind of home improvement and repair in Sedona - more about that in a later post. Thank goodness I received an email from Debbie at Prairie Emporium to show me a gorgeous new necklace she just made with one of my pendants. So, I'm taking the easy way out for my first post back and will just leave you with a little eye candy courtesy of Debbie!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's Wednesday!

It's Wednesday, which means I've been dealing with this kidney stone for 4 days now! What does that mean? Well, considering I deal with lots of health problems anyway, it mostly means I'm dealing with different health problems than normal :P Except that pain wears me down a lot faster than asthma ironically. And, since I'm taking percoset when the pain is at the worst, that means that when the pain is bad I get REALLY slowed down for awhile!

I've still been getting thing done though. I've had a lot of items coming up for relisting, so I've been able to just promote those, and that doesn't take as much thought as actual listing. I do have a few beady projects on the table, including one I'm SUPER excited about, but it's all going a bit slower than normal.

Here's some of my most recent items promoted - which is your favorite?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday's Tips #13

I used my "Set Me Free" bracelet to start this post because it totally fits the topic! This is my last post on inspiration (I think) (for now) and I wanted to talk about ways to get inspiration from challenges. Challenges that are maybe less overwhelming then the 100 in 100 that we talked about before, but still give you that external deadline that you wouldn't have from just personally challenging yourself.

The only problem is - there are so many out different opportunities out there! One of the easiest to hunt down are the one's done by teams, guilds, and what not. Do you have a specialty in your art work? Many of the teams that are focused on a specialty (jewelry, fiber arts, paper craft, etc...) will run periodic contests. It's a great way to find inspiration AND a dead-line for when it has to be done! I've seen other types of teams do themes as well, so keep your eyes peeled and do your research!

There are a lot of other challenges and contests out there. Check out the magazines and specialty sites for your type of art work. They often have contests that you can enter that will inspire you, give you a chance for more recognition, and sometimes there are even monetary rewards if you win!

You can also try doing a google search :)

Swaps are another fun way to challenge yourself. Unfortunately, I've never done one, so I don't really have an info for you there, but I've heard good things!

Lastly I want to share a blog with you that I absolutely LOVE and that provides me with lots of inspiration! Over at Thursdays Sweet Treats Natasha posts up weekly themes, and any one who wants to can submit their project! There's no prizes, but friendships are made, your work is seen, inspiration is provided, and it's a LOT of fun :) Not to mention Natasha does some incredible posts through out the week :)

My "Set me Free" bracelet was originally inspired by a butterfly theme on Thursdays Sweet Treats. It is one of the most challenging pieces I've ever done, and I don't think I would have done it if I hadn't been "pushed" by the challenge.

So what are you waiting for? Go out there and find yourself some inspiration!

A Treasury and a Giveaway!

I'm in another treasury! You can find it here until it expires. I feel so blessed to be in another one! It's my Wind Dancer piece, third row, on the right :)

Big thanks are in order to AmieVoltaire for featuring me! Isn't this skirt from her shop cute?

Do you like fun felt creations? Well here's your chance to win one like the one pictured below! Just go here :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Crafty ADD Update #5

I'm late getting this post up because yesterday was...well...a bad day. Turns out I have a kidney stone. Those suckers HURT! Anyway - here's what I've been up to!


I'm on to the 5th row of the baby blenket! I have the ends tied in on the first three rows, and while there are a few mistakes here and there, it's going pretty good! There will be 9 rows when it's all done. Unfortunately I'm almost out of pre-made squares, so I'll have to start crocheting the squares as well as doing the attaching work soon. Well...sorta soon... you see it's getting put aside for awhile! Why? Well for this:

I'm making the blanket on the right, not that you can really see it, but my cousin is having a baby! Since the other blanket is just something I'm going to donate, it has no time frame on it, so I'm putting it aside to work on the one for my cousins baby! My Mom's over here for the day in case I need any help or get worse because of the kidney stone, so if I'm feeling good enough to think straight, she'll teach me the new stitches I need to work on the new blanket :D


As you can see I started a new bookmark! This one is butterflies :) I got a lot done on it this week, so it should be done in the next day or two! I'm not sure what I'll do for the next one...but there's room for one more before I cut up this canvas. I guess you'll find out next week!


I actually have two projects on the board right now! The piece on the right came out horrid in the picture, but it really is cute! The piece on the left is my first Cabochon! I'll be making a bracelet for it! I'm really excited :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bead Weaving and some New Stuff :)

Ok, so I actually made this about two weeks ago, but I couldn't show it off because it was a surprise present and she reads this blog! I got the darling pattern out of a book, so it's not something I can sell in my shop, but I had a lot of fun making it anyway :D It's my first 3-D beaded project :D

Oh wait, I did some cubes once, but those barely count :P

Also wanted to show off the newest items promoted in my three shops from this last week :) Leave a comment about your favorite and get an extra point in the Top Commentators contest - and remember that this month there's an extra prize!

Introducing FFEST

I've joined another team on Etsy! Yes, for those of you who are wondering, I am crazy :P It's called Facebook Fans on Etsy. We're all about supporting each other, promoting, and of course, facebook and etsy!

Glory, our fearless team leader, put together a treasury of some of the new team. I'm in it! You can see my Earth Walker piece in the third row, in the middle. Go check it out!

Want to find out more about the team? Go to our forum thread or our ning site.

Friday, August 21, 2009

You Know What I Hate?

I hate when you make plans with someone a week in advance and then the day of the event comes and they are suddenly "sick." But they give you an update so often that it almost seems like they are trying to get you to say "its ok, we don't have to go." And when you finally do say that they said, "no it's ok, I should be able to pull myself together by then." You know in the back of your mind they are going to cancel an hour before you're supposed to go out. Frustrating!

The good new is, either way...I'll get to see Danny tonight and spend the weekend with him. We are having dinner and going to a baseball game with his family tomorrow. It will be a good weekend!

And in two weeks we will be in Boston! I can not wait for all my friends back home to meet him!!

Friday's Featured Artist - WhiMSy Love

I first met Nikki when I was still a relatively new member of Etsy. At that point in time I lived in Eastern WA, and we were both a part of the Eastern WA Etsy Team! I've always admired her zest for life, her sense of humor, and her imaginative art work :)

1. What type of art work do you do?

I create ALL kinds of handmade stuff. But mostly I'm drawn to vintage items: buttons, books, fabrics, trim, papers, etc.
So there's usually a bit of something of that sort mixed in with whatever I'm making.

2. How did you get started doing art work?

I have always been a crafty gal. When I was a kid, my mom pretty much encouraged craftiness wherever & whenever. She is admittedly not a crafty person, but she allowed me to pursue whatever creative thoughts I had. I pretty much never remember a time when I didn't have the handmade itch.

3. Do you do any other crafts?

I make button rings. I fold books into art. I twist forks into easels. I paint. I sew. I glue things... I can't choose just one thing, so I do it all!

4. Is there a story behind your shop name?

I originally had the name "WhiMSy" while my mom & I sold vintage items, collectibles & some handmade things in a small space in an antique mall. When I signed up to have a shop on Etsy I guess that name was already taken. So, I added the "love". And I figure that those 2 words (WhiMSy & love) describe perfectly my style of handmade craft AND my personality:sometimes a goofball (WhiMSy) & sometimes very girly & romantic (love).

5. What's your favorite piece in your shop right now?

I love the Vintage Button Rings. They're happy little treats & fun to make. I have a "thing" for old buttons & wear one of my button rings almost every day! (My button rings were also mentioned in the July issue of Glamour Magazine: the Greek Edition!)

6. Where do you sell your work?

I mostly sell my work on Etsy, at Some of my items are sold in a few shops online. Most recently my Writing on the Wall Book Art is being sold at the Bellevue Art Museum. I have yet to approach local boutiques to sell my stuff. I'm either too busy as a mom or too chicken. (Or both?)

7. Do you blog?

Oh YES I blog!! I LOVE blogging! I feel like my blog is the backstage pass into WhiMSy love & my crafty little world. I love writing, taking pictures & making stuff & so those 3 things combine to create a nifty little blog!

8. Are you on any social networks you'd like to share?

I have a twitter account & a flickr account . That's about as social as I get right now. My Etsy shop, blogging & corresponding to emails all day keep me pretty busy. (Not to mention 2 wee kidlets that need my attention every once in a while!)

9. Do you watch or listen to anything while you work? If so, what?

Sometimes I'll spread my projects on the floor of my art studio & watch old game shows (that's one of the only channels I get on my TV). Or I'll get all cozy on the couch & watch a movie when I'm making something. When I am blogging or on the computer, I'll listen to music.

10. Tell us one random fact about your self *wink*

How 'bout MORE than one? It's more fun that way, right?
I love s'mores to an obsession, I wish I were brave enough to wear a fauxhawk, & I bite my fingernails

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Snowflake - The First Attempt

In looking around at blogs lately, and talking to various sellers, I've started thinking about Christmas a little bit. Last night specifically I e-mailed Mom to see if she wanted to make some crocheted snowflakes for the upcoming Christmas season. Well that got me thinking - why can't I make something like that in beads?

I rejected my first idea. I've seen some lovely snowflakes made from wire frames that you simply string the beads on, and sure, I could do that but...

What I really wanted to do was make something that was made from seed beads. I wanted to make something up that was all my own pattern. I wanted to experiment. Here's the first attempt.

Sorry it's a little bit blurry, but my hands are kinda shaky from asthma meds right now. I think my basic principle is sound, but I'm going to make some changes whenever I attempt the next one.

First of all, I want the initial "circle" to be closer in to the center. I also want there to be some "spikes" come out more on the outer rim, and more "lacy bits" in the center...

If that makes any sense to you - kudos!

All in all, I think my first attempt at least looks snowflake-ish, and I learned a lot from the two hour process of fighting with it! What do you think?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

An Incredible Bead Mosaic

I am ever fascinated by what an be accomplished using beads. One of the many uses for beads is to great mosaics that depict pictures. Incredibly, these can be as detailed as a painting, or even a photograph! I dream of one day being able to produce a piece like that, even on a small scale, and now we apparently have a new record holder for the largest of them all.

This tribute to President Obama was created by 4th grade school children across all 50 states. It was presented to President Obama as a birthday present, and was displayed in front of the White House on August 3rd, 2008. It contains 372,000 beads.

This projected was driven by the company PhotoPearls, and the created both the pattern and the beads. The picture was completed using gluing techniques (versus the bead embroidery techniques more commonly seen), and the pieces assembled after being gathered from the various schools.
There has been some controversy surrounding this project, as there is around most things political, but that's life. My opinion? I don't think it matters what you think of Obama as a President, this is still an incredible work of art. Plus, as someone who cares passionately about our nation's children, I think it's wonderful that it was created by school children across the nation! And to those who are comparing it pictures that were created of Hitler and Stalin, can you really think of a major world leader that DOESN'T have art work created about them at some point? Let's be realistic here people.

For some more information (and where I got the photos) check out these links:

Guess What You Could Win?

You could win lots of things! This month's Top Commentators Contest has EXTRA incentive to it! One of our previous winners has volunteered to sweeten the pot by donating a prize to the Top Commentator this month! So in ADDITION to winning a Gift Certificate from me, you'll be winning a surprise!

How do you win? Just visit my blogs! Well, and leave comments :P The top three commentators all three win Gift Certificates! $20 for the top commentator, $10 for the second highest, and $5 for the third! AND that can be a custom order! So if your could win a lot!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Creative Jewelry Designers

Check out the lovely earrings that Huong Nguyen made with a pair of my Oil Slick Asian charms. I love the soft blue accents with them to balance the smokier shades of the glaze.
Not sure how I missed posting these great pieces by Ishita Ghosh... She used a pair of Lagoon Roman Circle connector pendants with her gorgeous wooden beads. You can see more of her work here including her own wooden bead designs.

Tuesday's Tips #12

Last week I interviewed Arlene of Spirit Essence Art and she told us about the 100 in 100 challenge that she's participating in. It was a great interview, and if you missed make sure you go back and read it! I realize that some thing like that may be a bit overwhelming for many of us though, so this week I want to talk a little about some smaller challenge options :) Well, one in specific, I'll have more for you next week!

The Personal Challenge

That's right, this challenge is for you, from you. Why? Because YOU know yourself best. You know where you want to grow, you know what you want to learn, you know what you struggle with, and most importantly, you know best what you can reasonably accomplish! Let me share a story with you...

Just over a year ago I was looking at my shop and my jewelry and evaluating where I was at. It was the middle of the Christmas season and I knew that sales were likely to dry up after the new year. Which in turn meant I wouldn't be able to go shopping for new supplies as often! At that point in time I was making a few bead woven items here and there, but the majority of what was going on-line was my other forms of jewelry. The main reason for that was that I was still SUPER slow at bead weaving.

I decided that I needed to focus more on my bead weaving. Not only does it cost less to purchase the supplies since I use mainly seed beads; it also takes up lots of my time! It's also something I really wanted tog get better at.

So I challenged myself. I wanted to get at least one bead woven item done a week. At first that was HARD to do! Then I noticed, as I got more consistent in the time spent, I was getting faster. It also became more of a part of my routine. If I don't spend time with a needle and thread in my hands every day I feel a little lost!

Since then I've come a long way. It's not uncommon for me to produce 2 or 3 bead woven items in a week, especially if I'm not doing much else that week, and I've learned a lot of new styles! I no longer stick to a strict challenge, because I don't need to. It's now just a part of my life.

So what should you do when setting up a personal challenge/goal for yourself? Here's some things to think about as you get started:

1. What are you dissatisfied with in your art work?
2. What can you realistically do to change that?
3. What challenges are you likely to face in trying to accomplish this goal?

Now, having thought that through, set yourself a SMALL goal. You don't have to shoot for the stars! You can, I won't stop you, but remember it's much easier to start small and then add on. So maybe you want to do a painting every day like Arlene is. You can also start out by saying, "I'd like to do a painting every day, and that would be awesome if I achieve that, but lets start by saying I have to finish 3 a week, and go from there." Starting small and building on it is much easier :)

Not the type that stays motivated on your own well? Don't worry - I have more ideas for challenging yourself! Stick around and we'll talk about it next week.

One Year!

Today is Danny's one year anniversary in the Marine Corps! AND he started flying today!

Weekly Special and New Items!

I used my favorite hemp knotting technique with this bracelet to form a spiraling pattern in between the beads. The black hemp forms a perfect contrast to the blue/green pony beads, for a look that will jazz up any outfit with a bit of fun! This bracelet is just barely over 6 inches long.

Normally $7 plus S&H, this week, on this blog, you can buy this bracelet for only $5.60 plus $2 shipping and handling to anywhere in the world!

I also have to show off some of my most recent listings - I've been keeping busy as always!

Which is YOUR favorite?

The Job Search

When I first decided to move to North Carolina I decided I was going to take the whole summer off. I was able to save enough money and my rent money won't run out until December. However, all the other money will come to a end with the start of October. So obviously I NEED a job NOW in order to start saving up money again. (Don't miserunderstand, thats just the money I'm willing to spend, I have money saved in banks, but I don't touch that.)

I have been all over Craigslist postings and have applied to ATLEAST thirty places. I have heard back from a few. I'm thinking I'll need to pick up two jobs in order to make enough money for rent and fun..and to continue saving.

I haven't started a new job in SIX years, I'm a little nervous. And schedules scare me, back home I basically picked my own schedule..and now I'm going to be the low man on the totem-pole. And that SCARES me. How am I supposed to work restaurant jobs and still have weekends free to see Danny!? I'm being totally honest on applications, my availability is Monday-Thursday..all day, Friday AM, Sunday PM. Thats not bad, right?!

Ah, lets just hope I get a job!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Bead Trends Winner

Congratulations to Pam Ferrari who was lucky comment number 12 as chosen by! (sorry for not having the screenshot pic, I'm having mental technical difficulties this evening)

Pam said:
My Hubby
My children
My grandchildren ( I guess I should of said family)
Sitting at the torch making beads
My Garden

Pam, send me a note with your snail mail address and I'll get the August BT issue out to you! I don't think I posted a picture of the Aurora Borealis Necklace I made the other day. I haven't had a chance to post any of them on the website yet - eek! I've had family visiting and between zipping around to various destinations and recruiting them into providing extra labor to complete tiling my kitchen backsplash, it's been a busy week. A little clay work should be on the menu for tomorrow though so I'll need to be extra productive.

Finally, Happy Birthday to hubster, I won't say how many years... I made super chocolate cupcakes with fluffy peanut butter frosting- mmmm :)

Crafty ADD Update #4

Good Monday Morning everyone! I hope your doing well :) I have a lot to do, but I seem to have found my motivation wherever I had stashed it, because I'm not feeling depressed by that! Sorry I didn't get this post up last night. I was tired, and the last thing I wanted to do was take pictures.

I had some fun with various projects this week - can't show you everything I did jewelry-wise, but here's the rest of what I worked on!


I finished this scarf a little while ago...but I hadn't fringed it yet. I was thinking about doing beads on the fringe and finally decided against it. Instead I made a shawl pin to put on it! This is the first one I've ever made...but I already have a couple more made up to put up in my Kindred Spirit Treasures Shop :) This one (and the scarf) is a Christmas present.

Ok, and yes, I know it's a scarf not a shawl, but I think the pin looks decorative and cute, so there!


I had to take out a few blocks from last week because I realized I had screwed up the pattern in the first row, but I got that done and the entire second row! It's not perfect, there's one spot I'm going to have to fix, but mom says it's looking good for my first blanket :D I'm going to hate tying all those strings in...


This is definitely the project I got the least done on. I didn't even pick it up until this weekend! But I did decide on a new book mark and got the first of the butterflies for it done :) Well, except for the outlining and antenna, but that will come last anyway. The pattern had green, purples, and pinks. I changed it to blues, purples, and pinks, because the green just seemed a little weird for a butterfly. I'm horrible, I rarely do a project with out changing SOMETHING. I do the same thing with cooking...


I'm working on a new series! It's the same style as the Elements series - but it's going to be fairy based and each piece will have a short story to go with it :) of course I have to start with purple - what else? This piece is about half done.

I'm also working on making a bunch of bracelets to restock my consignment store with, and I have a couple hemp pieces in my brain to make, and paperwork to do, and, and, and....

I better stop blogging and get to work :P

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Earth Walker - Bead Woven Necklace - Elements Series 4

I started the Elements series about a year ago with Saffron's Firebird Necklace. Since then I've fallen in love with the pattern! I start with a Potawatomi weave base and then use netting techniques for the rest of the pattern.

It takes 4-5 hours to make one of these necklaces and hundreds of seed beads. The actual project takes longer though when you include planning, dreaming, and finding the right beads! Sometimes it's hard to find colors that work well together.

For this last piece in the Elements series, Earth Walker, I used browns and greens. To me the Earth element needs to be represented both by the actual ground itself, and the living things it nourishes. I tried to show that in the progression of colors that I chose.

The clasp was actual the hardest part of this necklace for me! I couldn't find a hook that was the right color, so I ended up making my first hook :) I bought bronze wire and played with it until it looked right.

This necklace is available in both my Etsy shop and my Artfire :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Did it again...

Forgot to put a deadline on my contest!! Anyhoo, the giveaway of a copy of the August issue of Bead Trends will end on Monday the 17th (also happens to be hubby's birthday!).

There are only 5 entries so far for a copy of the mag - the other commenters had their own copies already - so if you want to have a chance to see this glossy, beautiful publication, leave me a comment on the post here with the 5 things you love!!

That's all for now. Today will involve a little shopping and a lot of tile grouting :)

"Past all thought of 'if' or 'when' - no use resisting"

To spice things up today - I'm offering you an opportunity for TWO extra entries into my top commentators contest today! The first is the one your used too, just tell me which item below is your favorite and why :) The second... The title of this blog post is a quote from a musical - can you tell me what musical?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday's Featured Artist - Memories for Life!

Edi of Memories for Life Scrapbooks is an artist you've seen on my blog before. Why? Well because she's awesome! She's become a good friend and she's been a winner on my blog! This month she's also the Etsy Bloggers Featured artist - so of course I decided I had to interview her :) So with out further ado...let's get to know her! Click on any of the pictures to be taken to it's listing.

1. What type of art work do you do?

Everything paper crafting. I make several different types of scrapbooks, custom layouts, greeting cards, wedding invitations. I even make scrapbooks out of flip flops :)

2. How did you get started doing art work?

I owe my start in crafting to the 4-H Club. My aunt was our leader and she always had a different project for us each month. The month we learned how to make handmade greeting cards with stamps...I was hooked! Then shortly after we had a month learning how to scrapbook...and it was love at first sight :) I've been paper crafting for over 12 years now!

3. Do you do any other crafts?

My paper crafting keeps me pretty busy...I haven't found any time for other crafts yet :)

4. Is there a story behind your shop name?

I wanted to send the message that scrapbooks are a lifelong keepsake. And since what I scrapbook is memories...Memories for Life Scrapbooks was born.

5. What's your favorite piece in your shop right now?

My Custom Name and Word Albums are by far my most popular! I really enjoy making them because each one is unique. I like adding little personal bits here and there in the album to make each one special :) I'm also lovin' my new albums I'm making with my Bind-It-All! These should be in my shop real soon!

6. Where do you sell your work?

7. Do you blog?

8. Are you on any social networks you'd like to share?

I'm on Facebook under Edi Royer.
On Plurk under Memories for Life Scrapbooks

9. Do you watch or listen to anything while you work? If so, what?

A local radio station that plays 70s, 80s, 90s and today's rock. I love 80s hair bands :)

10. Tell us one random fact about your self *wink*
I hated the color pink until I hit my it's my favorite color :) I guess I found my girly side!