I'm late getting this post up because yesterday was...well...a bad day. Turns out I have a kidney stone. Those suckers HURT! Anyway - here's what I've been up to!

I'm on to the 5th row of the baby blenket! I have the ends tied in on the first three rows, and while there are a few mistakes here and there, it's going pretty good! There will be 9 rows when it's all done. Unfortunately I'm almost out of pre-made squares, so I'll have to start crocheting the squares as well as doing the attaching work soon. Well...sorta soon... you see it's getting put aside for awhile! Why? Well for this:

I'm making the blanket on the right, not that you can really see it, but my cousin is having a baby! Since the other blanket is just something I'm going to donate, it has no time frame on it, so I'm putting it aside to work on the one for my cousins baby! My Mom's over here for the day in case I need any help or get worse because of the kidney stone, so if I'm feeling good enough to think straight, she'll teach me the new stitches I need to work on the new blanket :D

As you can see I started a new bookmark! This one is butterflies :) I got a lot done on it this week, so it should be done in the next day or two! I'm not sure what I'll do for the next one...but there's room for one more before I cut up this canvas. I guess you'll find out next week!

I actually have two projects on the board right now! The piece on the right came out horrid in the picture, but it really is cute! The piece on the left is my first Cabochon! I'll be making a bracelet for it! I'm really excited :)
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