oh my! (ok, no pictures of the earrings because I used up my Blogger allotment on this post already)

After having these ceramic components on my work desk for literally MONTHS, I got back into a semi-jewelry making mode this week and got a few things completed. I had the ceramic pendant parts bisque fired way too long ago then put them in my "to glaze" pile and promptly ignored them as customer orders took center stage. Since they were just for me they really were at the back of the line, then got bumped back there several times.

I actually had one necklace that I completed as a test several months ago but didn't get to photograph, my husband was working from home with a colleague that day and she bought it right after I made it! She actually already has dibbs on one like the Pond necklace just above (three saucers) in Blue charcoal for my next firing.

So in addition to some glazing (that I intended to do the other day but was preempted by some screen door home improvement projects) I have the good intentions of getting these necklaces, etc on my website/1000 Markets/Etsy. It will be interesting to see which venue they actually sell from! I kept it simple with all the pieces, the Blue Charcoal necklace is accented with some lovely tiny Sapphires and the Blush necklace has Tourmaline that ranges from pink to the most lovely salmon color. The leather is chocolate brown and all the silver components are sterling. It's hard to see in most of the photos but the bails are all made with sterling that I torched to create extra long balled-end headpins.

I'm tempted to keep this bracelet for myself, I like how the ceramic saucer can be worn domed or scooped and I've discovered that the Robin's Egg glaze goes with my favorite new top!
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