Monday, February 28, 2011

The "About Me" Post


I like to do this every once in a while when I notice I've gained a bunch of new friends. Let's face one is going to start from the beginning to read everything about me! (Actually I did get an e-mail saying that a reader did...that's dedication!) So, in order to catch everyone up and make sure we are all on the same's some stuff about lil ol' me! And some seriously photo-overload!

I'm Nicole. I'm 25.
I'm from Massachusetts.
I graduated from FSC with a degree in History in 2008.

In June 2009 I randomly moved to Carrboro, NC to live with a friend.
Shortly after that I met Danny.
Five months later I moved out of my house and in with Danny's parents.

Me and Danny got married on March 13, 2010.

Hubby is a Marine.
We live in Jacksonville, NC. And I love it.
We travel alot and love one-tank-trips!

We have a shepherd-mix puppy, Miley.
Danny has a 6 year old son, so that makes me a step-mom! The term makes me oddly uncomfortable for some reason.

I've been to England, France, and Ireland.
St. Thomas, Aruba and Jamaica.
Disney atleast 8 times!
And every state that touches the Atlantic Ocean. 

I love food. I haven't met one that I don't like.
I love beer, wine and margaritas.
I also like cover bands...and pretending that I know how to dance!

I have amazing friends all over the country...mostly thanks to this blog!
I have met fourteen girls because of our blogs! I bet you're wondering who? Well, I'll tell ya!
Click the pictures to go visit their blogs!

Katie from Like Sunshine After Rain
Breanna from Forever Yours, Semper Fi

Reina from Semper Gumby...the Return of Sunshine, Amber from Goodnight Moon and Jordan from Southern Hospitality

Allie from My Marine and Me
Carmen from We See the Same Stars
Mrs. P and Ari from A Little Pink in a World of Camo
Jennifer from Colwells in Carolina
Jacque from Life Along the Way
Bonnie (and her kiddos!) from The "Sometimes Single" Mom
I don't have pictures to prove it but I've also met Lauren from Young But Not (Completely) Dumb, Anna from Showtimes and Dog Tags and Mrs. Gambizzle from Life as a Sailor's Girl (but that's okay because we're spending two weeks in Boston together soon!)

What else do you want to know?
I'm a lefty.
I once broke my sisters collarbone..while practicing a NSYNC dance move.
My first concert was NSYNC, the last concert I went to was Paul McCartney.
I've seen Kenny Chesney 16 times. And met him Best Buy.
I've literally bumped into David Copperfield in NYC.
And I've dined next to Maya Angelou at the Mesa Grill.

I sell Avon. Just like everyone else in Jacksonville.
I have seven tattoos and want more!
And currently....I'm craving Chinese food.

Want to know more?

A Giveaway from My Shop and a Sale

Hi everyone! It's that time again - giveaway time! Most of the month I feature other artists, but the first week of the month (or last day of the previous month I guess!) will be my shop :) Why? Well I know you guys love me so I have to give you a chance for prizes out of my shop! Let me share the giveaway - then I'll explain my new banner :)

This bracelet was a lot of fun to make! It uses my new paper beads and I made them in orange in honor of my brother! :) Yes, the brother that my banner says I'm supporting right now. I would love to see a lot of entries for this and I would be really honored if the winner of this bracelet prays for or thinks of my brother when they wear it :) Click on the bracelet title for more information.

So How Can You Win?

1. Leave a comment on this blog = 1 entry
2. Visit my FB page and "like" it. Leave a comment there to let me know your a new or returning fan! = 1 entry
3. Visit my Artfire page or Etsy page, come back and leave a separate comment with your favorite piece = 1 entry
4. Follow this blog or let me know your already following = 1 entry
5. Announce this contest on plurk or twitter, come back and leave a comment with a link = 1entry
6. Blog about it! Since this is means monopolizing your blog space it = 2 entries
7. Make a purchase in either of my stores (Artfire or Etsy) = 5 entries! 

That's a total of 12 possible entries! Please remember to leave separate entries for each entry to make my job easier! I'll be keeping track in a spreadsheet and each entry will be given a separate number (based on order received) and I'll pick a winner using the random number generator. *Winner to be announced Saturday, March 5th*

Now to Explain my Header...
And a Sale!

This is my brother, Gordon, also know online as Psycho or Psycho4Jesus. Now often called Cancer Boy. Yes, he has cancer. Stage 4 T cell Hystocite Rich B Cell Lymphoma. That's a very rare form of a type of Non-Hodgekins lympoma. It's very extensive and he's had one chemo treatment so far. The shot above was taken with my phone the first day he was in the hospital.

He was in the hospital because he had a really bad reaction to the chemo and ended up being in the hospital for 2 days and nights. It was hard, but being there was probably the best :) He's been home since Saturday and is slowly recovering! Today, for the first time since he was hospitalized, he actually asked for a second serving of food! That still wasn't much, but very exciting still. 

His next treatment is on the 16th and he will have at least 5 more treatments, possibly 7. We'll know more at the end of April! 

So what am I doing? Well, a lot actually. I'm his secondary caregiver right now. So, when Mom's at work I hang out at the house and help out with medications, food, and anything else he needs. I also took shifts while he was in the hospital and have been coming and helping out whenever needed. This means I'm not going back to work at this time. I will be doing odd jobs to help with my husband and I's finances, but I can't really look for work until he's doing a lot better. My family needs me to much! 

What does this mean to you? I'm looking for your support! There's two things you can do:

1. Your Prayers - If you don't pray, whatever it is you do :) But this is going to be a really rough road. We all covet your prayers right now. I will be providing awareness charms soon to use as prayer reminders that I'll be selling for cost. Also, Gordon's biggest wish right now is that the people would know that he has cancer, cancer does not have him and he hopes that others would be blessed in their relationship with God right now. I'm not going to shove that down your throat - don't worry! I don't want to drive any of you away, but I do feel that its very important to share, and if you have any questions let me know :)

2. I'm doing a sale! All proceeds from my shop will be split between me and Gordon. I need to help pay for my husband and I's bills, and Gordon has no other source of income right now. So I'm doing 15% off in both my shops! On Etsy you'll need to enter the code "cancersupport15" for the discount, and on Artfire it has already been applied. I appreciate your support :)

Now don't forget to enter the giveaway :P

*Update 3/2*
Jujube Jewelry asked a great question! If you want to make a donation you can make a donation through paypal to the e-mail :) Please let me know how you want the money to be used. It can go towards his bills, supporting both of us as (since I'm not working and money is really tight), for him to buy something fun, or for Mom to pay his bills. :) Just let me know!

*Update 3/3*
There's been an addition to this week's giveaway! Meri of Elfling Creations wanted to help raise awareness and support my brother - so she volunteered to giveaway an earring!

Leave a comment with your favorite item from her shop  for an extra entry :) Now here's what she has to say about it: The earring dangles about 1" from the ear cuff, which is silver-plated and 3mm wide. The sun bead has a crescent moon on the reverse side. That bottom bead is a cats eye- that's hard to see in the photo, so I figured I'd mention it. 

I'll be drawing two winners now on Saturday - make sure you check back - and enter! 

Miscellany Monday

I have absolutely nothing to write about today. So, here are a few random things!

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

1. Best Dressed
I thought Mila Kunis was the best dressed at the Oscars. And I definitely wasn't feeling Cate Blanchett's dress.

2. Errands
We had a busy morning. On the list: resign lease, taxes, car inspection, and renew registration. Well, we accomplished two of those things. Lease is done. We went on base to do our I the only one who thinks its dumb that they don't do State taxes? We'll be going somewhere else to get them done thank-you-very-much. Car passed inspection. And after waiting in line for a half hour to renew our registration we saw the teeny-tiny sign they had posted about "cash only." This is seriously the only time I didn't have cash on me. And why wasn't the sign where everyone could see it? We'll be trying again tomorrow. GRR.

3. Four Days Later
Four days after getting my wisdom teeth out I still can't eat and I'm starving. And I've developed a pretty sweet bruise on my jawbone. I'm a hot mess today.

4. Have You Entered?
Don't forget to enter the Scentsy giveaway! You win a plug-in warmer and two scents of your choice! Enter here!

5. Neighbors
I'm so excited! Our loud and obnoxious neighbors move out in eighteen days!

6. Writers Block
This is seriously the first time I've had no idea what to write about. What do you guys want me to write about? Ask me something, give me a!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Doing the Bead Soup Hop

There's been a lot of build up on my blog, and others, for the big Bead Soup Blog Hop. Well, I'm doing my best! I've had my tea, and coffee, and a smoothie, and even some water! Yet there is still SO FAR to go... I counted my cheat sheet and I've only visited 64 of the 209 other blogs so far.

I've been going through the list from 1-210 in order, but I'm also responding to any comments I get :) So I am going a little out of order for those. Its nice having it all printed up so I can cross things out, circle ones that hadn't posted yet (one because she's having a baby!). I wanted to have more done by now, but things have been a little busy. I'll talk about that more tomorrow.

That's just a quick sneak peek of what tomorrow's all about! It's going to be a busy day. I have news to share, a giveaway to host, and a surprise! I might not get it up until later in the day because I have two doctors appointments for myself and to take someone else to (nothing worrisome on my part, routine). I'm excited though and you should be too! You'll see what the orange has to do with it tomorrow :)

Check Out Swagbucks Birthday Celebration

Search & WinSwagbucks (the best place on the web for free stuff) is turning 3, and the celebration they have planned for the 28th is going to be HUGE! It'll feature a bunch of Swag Codes, a new look and feel for the Swagbucks Blog and the launch of two new features, one of which will redefine the way you use their search function. You definitely won't want to miss it, so be sure that you're on the site bright and early the morning of the February 28th for your chance to earn big and be a part of the biggest birthday celebration on the web! is a site where you can earn 1,000s of free products for doing the things you do every day. Whether it's searching the web, watching videos, playing games, shopping or more, we've got a way for you to be rewarded with free stuff. No strings. No gimmicks.

Use registration code: 3rdBirthday133

Reader Request: Building Confidence Beyond Stature

“Sometimes because I am so petite, I feel like a kid compared to the "grownups" at my workplace. Have you ever had that feeling? Do people ever say you look younger than you are? I get it a lot and it definitely lowers my self esteem. Could you do a post about confidence?” --- Anonymous


Dear reader – I can relate. Being extra petite and youthful looking can definitely hinder one’s confidence. I work with tall, well-spoken and put-together individuals, and at times it can feel daunting. When I first started working, I was asked my age several times by clients…mortifying.

It's rumored that taller people may be more successful in the workplace than their shorter counterparts, due to greater self-esteem and social confidence that possibly comes with height. Although I somewhat agree with this theory, it only means that petite women like us need to put in a little extra effort to find our confidence and achieve our own success. I’m still learning as I go, but here are some things I personally keep in mind:

Look your best, carry yourself well, and be a valuable contributor.

1. Look Your Best
First off – take care of your appearance. Groom yourself. Wear clothes that make you feel good. What works for me:
- Use makeup to enhance your natural features. I’m a huge believer in using makeup to help one look more mature (especially on Asian eyes). 
- Wear apparel that fits and flatters your figure. Fit is the premise of my blog, and the most important aspect of an outfit. A woman can look striking in a cheap black suit that fits her to perfection, or could look like a mess in an ill-fitting designer ensemble. Front, side and back view photos can help gauge the true fit of something. 
- Have a “go-to” ensemble. Everyone has “off” days and lazy days, so prepare simple, foolproof combinations for those days. My go-to work outfit is a ruffled blouse tucked into a pencil skirt, plus Ann Taylor perfect pumps. 
- Wear heels. Without a doubt I feel longer and leaner—and subsequently more confident—when wearing heels. 3.5 inch heels are the perfect height for me. Practice walking and make sure the shoes fit (use inserts if needs be), as nothing feels worse than shoes slipping off with every step.
2. Carry Yourself Well
The way you carry yourself transcends size or age. The points below are things that I’m working hard on to improve. Sometimes you're not aware of these things unless someone else points it out (usually, however, only someone who truly cares about you – like a parent – will point out such things): 
- Stand up straight. Good posture is critical for petites. A straight back, shoulders, and neck can instantly add inches. 
- Project your voice. Many petite women whom I’ve met have delicate little voices that accentuate their size. I’m not suggesting shouting at the top of your lungs, but it's important to speak confidently and audibly. Also factor in the height of whom you're talking to, because taller people are further away (no joke...I speak louder to taller coworkers or else they have to bend down to hear). 
- Be engaging. Try to maintain eye contact during conversations, listen actively, and show genuine signs of engagement. 
- Greet with confidence. Everyone appreciates a warm smile and a firm handshake. During a mock interview, my college career counselor pointed out how my weak little handshake may be mistaken for a lack of confidence.

3. Be a Valuable Contributor
Despite the above two sections, the bottom line is: If you're good at what you do and bring value to your team, you will command the respect of others –regardless of how tall you are or how you look. There’s an executive at one of my clients who is shorter than me, is hopelessly unfashionable, slouchy, and softspoken. But those who work with her have the utmost respect for her.

When opportunities arise to ask questions, give suggestions, or share an experience – try to push yourself to say something, even if you’re shy. People remember and respect those who contribute. When you have the respect of those around you, confidence should come naturally.

Readers -  Can you relate? Please share your own experiences or advice.

How I Spent My Weekend..

I'm currently on day three of wisdom tooth recovery. I haven't had actual food since 7PM Thursday night...I think that's the worst part of the whole thing! I woke up Friday morning starving...and my surgery wasn't until ten. Might not sound that bad but I eat the second I wake up!

I was only a little nervous, not for the surgery but being put to sleep. The surgeon is super cute and my Mom convinced me I would probably make that announcement when I was put-under. How embarrassing would that be!?

The last thing I remember was Surgeon-Cutie asking about my tattoos...then being woken up and walking out to Danny's car. And since I'm so addicted to my phone I had to text Mom to tell her how surgery went....I can't even decode the message! Danny said I had a serious case of the giggles. All I remember is my tounge being numb...and thinking that Surgeon-Cutie probably severed a nerve and I'd never be able to taste food again! Danny snapped this super lovely picture of me...I think I look pretty good considering I just had three teeth ripped from my head! An hour after surgery I had to change the gauze...and I cried because I thought I was doing it wrong. I think I was still super-drugged up!

Since then I've been stuck on the couch. I've discovered I love Cookout peanut butter milkshakes. I've had no pain at all, I'm only taking the medicine to help with the swelling in my mouth. Yesterday we put Miley in the kennel and Danny was out all I had all day to relax and sleep. This morning the swelling doesn't seem that bad...but I'd give anything to be able to eat real food! Soup, pudding and ice cream just isn't cutting it anymore!

I expected the pain to be a lot worse and to have chipmunk cheeks. Surgeon-Cutie did a great job...I can't wait for our follow up date on Thursday!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Handarbeitsrkam's Giveaway Winner!

It has been a busy week for me, but I'm happy to report that my brother seems to be doing better and we are hoping he'll go home from the hospital today :) I'll be heading out to see him later. First I want to say make sure you don't miss my blog soup reveal and now, let's announce the winner!

There were 30 entries this time so...

And number 15 is...

Congrats Deci!

It took me a minute to place the name with the blogger/artist, but the one thing I knew right away is that Deci has entered into several of my giveaways now, and she's submitted multiple entries each time! So I think it's only fair that she has gotten to win one! Now to visit her blog and tell you a little bit more about who she is.

Her blog is called Gem Trails

And she's one of my fellow Bead Soup participants! Here's a peek:

Make sure you head over to her blog and see the rest of this wonderful piece!

Congrats again Deci!

Everyone else - check back on Monday for the next Giveaway, and all through the week to see what I'm up to! Just a hint, I'll be doing a big sale soon! I think you guys will be really excited by it :)

Think SPRING with Avon!

Campaign 6 of Avon is hereeeeee!
And oh-my-goodness.
Forget the makeup....
Check out these clothes!
If you see something you like please visit my Avon store!

Tribal Wear
1. Studded Mules $39.99
2. Printed Tunic Dress $24.99
Key Cargo
1. Cargo Pants $34.99
2. Peep Toe Shoes $39.99
3. Drop Necklace AND Earrings $7.99
Easy Breezy
1. Flower Top $16.99
2. Ankle Strap Fashion Wedge $19.99
3. Fashion Scarf $14.99

Day Glow
1. Beaded Top $19.99
2. Skinny Cropped Pants $29.99
3. Metallic Sandals $19.99
4. Hoop Earrings $9.99
5. Link Bracelet $9.99

Trench Lessons
1. Stylish Slingbacks $24.99
2. Convertable Trench $39.99
3. Tote Bag $14.99

And bonus!
If you buy anything you will get three extra entries in the Scentsy giveaway!
Just make sure you leave a comment on the giveaway page!

Cleaning and Caring for Chiffon

Since many of us now have the Ann Taylor Factory chiffon ruffle shells, I wanted to do a quick post about caring for them (see also AN forum). The one that I own from 2009 is now pilly and stretched out from wear, but the material is completely different from the Factory ones. Hopefully the same thing won't happen this time around.
Shells in Soft Pewter, Dusty Mauve, Mud Bath, and Deep Blue

Fray-Prevention: The edges on the chiffon ruffles are raw-cut, but don't seem to be fraying or unraveling. If yours are coming apart, or if you want to do some fray-prevention, try using Fray Check along the edges (thank you Janelle for the rec' a looong long time ago).

I've used it below. You can see it makes the edges a little darker (where my finger points), but it does work.

Washing: These tops are machine washable, but avoid tossing them in with your jeans and hoodies. When washed against rougher fabrics, delicates can get "worn down" fast and the chiffon can get snagged on zippers.

I don't wash delicates until after many wears. Washing (regardless of method) will usually make garments look a little more worn, but sometimes you need to machine wash to reshape an item after it's been stretched out from wear. What I do:
1. Turn the garment inside out
2. Place into a small mesh baggy
3. Wash on the delicates cycle, machine dry low for a few minutes, and then lay flat to reshape.
I found this 3-piece mesh baggy set for $6.99 eligible for Free Super Saver Shipping. You may also find these at your local dollar store (saw them at Daiso) or Bed Bath and Beyond.

Readers - please share your tips for cleaning and caring for delicate tops!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Rain on the Way...

or so they claim for Saturday...The upside is that I will likely get to wear my most fabulous rain boots to visit the dog show tomorrow, the downside is that it will be gray and cold and sad outside. But, don't you worry, I will be surrounded by fluffy fuzz puffs of canine happiness and that combined with my ever so cute rain boots will make for a most fantastic day!

Now although Pupper will not be able to join me at the dog show, I did get some glamor shots of her this week with my new camera. We've had a very old and mediocre camera for quite some time now but Kelley was the most horrible influence on her last trip to SD and caused us to long for a lovely camera like she had...

I have such plans for it! First, I need to figure out how to use it...

I took some new pendant pics on the most gorgeous textile-like paper that I have been hoarding for (literally) months... What do you think of the monochromatic pics? Too much distraction with the patterned background? I love these patterns though...lots of ideas for pendant designs here...

A pile of some nifty pieces I need to get on the website... A few in my matte foam glaze that turned out to be perfection!

Another peek at a lovely customer's finished creation... Cynthia came up with this lovely combination matched to my peacock glazed pendant.

Sadly you can't find Cynthia online yet, she's a brick and mortar girl, but you can pop by her blog to say hi.

Hopefully come Tuesday I will have some super cool (for me) news to share!
Have a most wonderful, dry and warm weekend all...

Fast for Friday!

Today's post is just a quick flyby! My brother has cancer and he had his first chemo treatment this week and his in the hospital right now with what seems to be normal complications. They will be keeping him through tomorrow as of right now. So....I'm just throwing up a quick post before I head back to the hospital to be with him!

First - today is your LAST chance to enter this week's giveaway! Make sure you head over and drop off your entries. 

Tomorrow is the big bead soup reveal! I'll be putting together a post tonight to go up first thing tomorrow. I'll also be posting about the winner at some point. I'm really excited! See you then :)

Baby, you dont even know me...

Blazer- Newlook
Top- Topshop
Necklace- Forever21
Belt- Primark
Blue ring- H&M
Bag- Mulberry (Just kidding)

I feel quite smart when wearing this, i am in love with this bag! A dear friend got it me for my 18th, forever in debt to her now! What I like most about this outfit is the colours, the same but different, i picked this blazer up from newlook with a gift voucher i had for my birthday & ever since this is all i have worn! its just different from cardigans witch i live in! & the padded shoulders make me feel posh, that is all.
off for some tea.

Till' the sun's coming up.


Dress: Topshop
Shirt: Newlook
Necklace: Topman

Not like my usual outfit posts but i thought i would show you what i wore on my birthday. On the evening of my 18th me my family and my boyfriend all went out for a meal at the wingwah which i LOVE!
I exchanged this jumper for this dress at my local topshop, i instantly fell in love with it! like i have said many times, i love this colour & its very comfortable. Although this is actually listed as a tunic, i think its an acceptable length to wear as a dress, this sheer shirt from newlook i have worn before, i love it, i sort of went for the whole 'I'm wearing a nice dress and also my boyfriends shirt' sort of thing, ;)