Wednesday, November 18, 2009


With one week until Thanksgiving I felt this cartoon was appropriate. Why is it that people only feel the need to show that they are thankful once a year? People are constantly thinking and planning for Christmas, Easter and birthdays...that the real meaning of these holidays are lost along the way. This year stores had Halloween and Christmas decorations in the same aisle...Thanksgiving was lost in the shuffle.

Is it because gifts aren't given? Is it because people don't want to see family members that they might only see once a year? Or is it because people aren't actually thankful for anything?

Everyday I am so thankful for everything I have. Friends, family, my fiance, my new family, my education, green grass on a summer morning, the smell of apple pie, music, being American, and having the opportunity to do anything that I want.

Instead of only being thankful once a year, be thankful everyday.

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