Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bizarre Reflections about the Bazaar

I had a lot of fun this weekend at the bazaar! Sorry I didn't get this posted up sooner. I had a million things I was trying to do yesterday, and just as I was starting to feel on top of things and ready to get this post put together and put up...I sprained my ankle! Yah. I'm talented. I know. The good news is that up until I sprained my ankle I was still going strong after the bazaar, which makes me really happy :)

I'm also really excited about getting to actually meet two of my team mates in person this weekend! On the left is the fabulous Char of Char Spirit Creations. In the middle is Dori of Sassy Clay Creations. And I'm on the right! Yup...proof that I was there :P

I did some new things that I really liked with this bazaar. The first is that I made a second level for displaying my fancy necklaces! It was really simple. All I did was drape a piece of cloth over one of my storage boxes that I had brought my jewelry in :P

The second thing I did was I added a bracelet display! Made things a lot less cluttered. And made things look a little more professional. And I STILL had things lying on the table :P Next bazaar I think I'm going to put my strand and wire wrapped bracelets on the bottom level of the display and put my memory wire bracelets loose on the table. They didn't get as much attention as they usually do and I think it's because it wasn't as obvious as it normally is what they are.

There's one more big thing I want to change. I like my earring display - it's cute and I get compliments on it - but it's awkward to carry and I can't fit all my earrings on it! I'm thinking eventually (like for the spring bazaars) I might upgrade to rotating earring displays...but I haven't decided yet. The other solution is to upgrade to a bigger table and use my second display as well, which would allow me enough room for all my earrings and then some. I'm thinking I may need to upgrade tables by spring/summer anyway if things continue to go well, so the question will then be is a table upgrade all that's needed or do I need a table upgrade AND a display upgrade...

I had a lot of fun this last weekend and I'm really looking forward to the two that I have lined up between now and Christmas! I'm also talking with a close friend of mine about teaming up in the new year to do bazaars. Doing 10x10 booths and splitting the fees with me paying 2/3's and him paying 1/3...I'll set up two tables and he'll set up 1. He does a variety of fantasy and other interesting art along with his wife, and part of the reason for teaming up would be that he has a vehicle capable of transporting a tent! Something I don't have which currently limits me and prevents me from doing outdoor markets. Not to mention its always more fun to work with a buddy :)

I did get some more pictures at the bazaar - but I don't want to overwhelm you guys - so if you want to see the rest go check out my flickr page!

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