Monday, November 30, 2009

The Ohio Update

First, lets just say...never start a roadtrip on a holiday during rush hour..especially when there are a billion college campus in your area. Our eight hour trip turned into a almost a twelve hour trip.

Danny's family was so excited to see him, he hasn't been home in a year! We had Thanksgiving dinner at his grandmothers house with his Mom's family. Danny made the big "we're getting married" annoucement, which I thought went well. But apparently his grandmother wasn't too please...but Danny's Mom and step-Dad stuck up for us. I love those two. Atleast we have people on our side! Later that day we went to Danny's Dad's side of the family.

It has always been tradition in my family to see a movie on Thanksgiving night...I was so excited when we decided to take Kaleb to see a movie!

I didn't take part in Black Friday events, large crowds in stores is NOT my thing. HOWEVER! Danny's Mom and step-Dad picked up some awesome things for me and Danny! A flatware set, a quesedilia maker, electric skillet, spice rack and some other stuff! SO EXCITING!

Friday night we were supposed to get drinks with Danny's sister and some friends. But I KNEW it wouldn't happen. I knew Kaleb wouldn't want his Daddy to leave. Danny was a little dissapointed that he didn't get to go out, but it ended up being a good night. I loved seeing the two of them together and having fun.  Danny is a great Dad.

I made breakfast Saturday morning,  chocolate chip pancakes...Kaleb said he has never had them before! Which just showed me that Ohio really is under a giant rock! Then we took his to see Santa..such a cute picture!

Saturday night we went out with Danny's Dad for dinner. It literally took Danny the entire trip before he told his Dad we were getting married. I was a little upset that he didn't want to tell him, he alluded that his Dad "wouldn't even care." It hurt a little that someone might not care about something this big. But his Dad took it well, and didn't have anything negative to say. He was all over Danny though about the security clearance/graduation thing. It was very strange.

We left Ohio late Saturday night so we wouldn't hit traffic...a good idea because his Mom was in traffic ALL day yesterday.

Yesterday we were laaaaazy all day. And then went out for sushi to celebrate my birthday. I'm sad I won't get to see him for my birthday..or for the rest of the month for that matter. I won't see him again until December 23. The longest we have been apart. But atleast I'll see him for Christmas AND New Years!

Tomorrow is my 24th birthday and I'm flying home to Boston! SO SO excited!

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