Do you see this lovely space with a small park and great retail shops? That's where I'm going to be doing a Saturday Market this summer! I'm VERY excited! We had a meeting this morning to talk over details and it went very well. We voted on making a couple changes that make me really happy, and we got to pick our booth spaces. I've got a primo space and I'm very happy about that!
I'm also happy that it's SUNNY out today and I think I may even have gotten a wee bit of color as we sat outside and talked. Which, after two years of being sick, is nice.
Paper...I stopped at a Garage sale on the way home today and picked up four pieces of scrapping paper for a good price. I'm going to use them in making paper beads - and the money was going to charity! Oh, and the promised post about the paper making bead process should come along some time next week... I still have to buy the stuff for the very final step. It's been a busy week!
And yes, my blog title does say "Parrots!" It would be more accurate to say Parrot. As I was driving through town today I saw a man walking on the side of the road with a full sized macaw parrot. It was gorgeous and it was VERY distracting.
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