Sunday, March 7, 2010

Uncontrolled Chaos

What kind of artist are you? Are you the kind who is constantly getting caught up in inspiration and often forget to put things away so your area is a bit messy? Or maybe it's what other people would find messy because that's where your best inspiration comes from? Or maybe your the kind of artist who can't work unless everything is in it's proper place? Or maybe you fit into another category entirely!

I think there are a lot of stereotypes about artists. One of them is that we tend to be a bit particular about our workspace. If someone tries to "clean" it for us (or sometimes even if WE clean it) we'll end up frantic because we can't find anything any more. Or if your one of the one's who has to have everything in a particular place, if someone moves one of your tools your going to be very frustrated.

Granted, those are stereotypes, not all artists are like that, at least I assume so.

I fall into the category of the messy artist. For me it's a combination of factors. For one, I like to have my things around me in easy reach. So if I know I'm going to use something again soon I tend not to put it away. I also tend to be easily distracted. I might have the best intentions to clean something up - but then I get an idea, or an e-mail, or my hubby comes home, or I realize I'm hungry, or any number of things and what I had planned gets forgotten.

Knowing this about myself I try to make myself put away the remnants of one project before I start another, but I'm not always successful. And, honestly, I'm the most comfortable when theirs a bit of controlled chaos around me.

Unfortunately lately things have gotten to the point where they are definitely UNcontrolled chaos, and it's driving me nuts. There have been a lot of factors, depression, migraines, and not being home because my best friend was in town. Never the less, it needs to be clean! I can't get anything done any more. So that's my major crafty goal right now - to bring my crafty space back to a place where I can craft again. I'll let you know how it goes :) I have yet another migraine today, but I'm managing to work on things (like this blog post) in short bursts.

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