Monday, March 1, 2010

Bridal Shower!

What a surprise! I knew it was going to happen...I just didn't know when. And they really had me second guessing EVERYTHING! First, some people slipped up and told me my "shower gifts were being shipped." But I just assumed that even if there wasn't a physical shower thats what you would still call the gift. Then there was the trip to Costco. My Mom and Nana told me it was for a 67th birthday party. They had such a convincing story! The part that threw me off the most was that my friends were all free and able to go to the Olive Garden...they never lie to me about the Olive Garden!

So we get in the car and my sister says "did Mom give you money?" I was like "uh no, why would she?" That's when she started driving towards my Nana's house to "go get money..." Thats when I knew!

Here are a few pictures from the day!


Cupcakes and Mimosas!
(and look close..the roses in the back have our monogram! The 'S' is a little hidden though!)

Me and Danny LOVE wine, so these were PERFECT!

From my friend Jen! Can't wait to start cooking!

We got MANY alcohol related friends obviously know think we are drinkers!

I better not catch Danny drinking from my mug!

Note the extreme color of my face!
This is from my great-aunt! The front looks like a great shirt...but the back looks like a strippers uniform!

Norman Rockwell's "Marriage License"
One of my manyyyy favorites!
Our house is going to look like a art museum!

This is quite possibly the coolest thing EVER!
The roses are made out of UNDERWEAR!!!!

We got lots of great gifts and totally appreciate everyone coming! I had a great time. The cupcakes and mimosas were PERFECT!! Less than two weeks until we are married!

Oh. And my friends ended up taking me to the Olive was a great day with awesome people!

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