Saturday, February 27, 2010

Still Here, Still Kicking

I just wanted to update my blog, and update all of you who actually read this thing as to why I've been absent!

Those of you who know me fairly well know that I've been fighting a long battle over the last two years. For anyone who's just getting to know me....the short story is that about two years ago my asthma attacks (which have been severe for years) grew drastically worse. The doctors have tried all sorts of medication and treatment, but they haven't been able to get it under control.

As a part of trying to treat my asthma, I've been on steroids for the last two years. They have kept me alive, kept me out of the hospital, but being on steroids is NOT the ideal situation! Since we are finally getting my asthma under control (that's a long story too), we are working to at the least reduce my steroid levels, and at best get me completely off them!

The only problem with getting me off the steroids is that I get to go through withdrawals, just like a druggy, as we go through the process. The good news is that I'm not having any super serious asthma attacks, the bad news is that I'm exhausted and dealing with about 5 different side effects.

Combine that with having a busy week, and I just didn't have the energy (mental or physical) to blog this week! I haven't really gotten much done crafty wise either. I do have lots of ideas on the table though, and I'm hoping to get to spend some time beading and catching up on watching things tonight :)

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