Tuesday, April 13, 2010

101 in 1001 Days

To Be Completed By January 8, 2013
(to find out your date, click  here)
I am mildly obsessed with MTV’s The Buried Life, and what the guys on that show stand for. They help other people cross things off their bucket list as they accomplish their own goals. I have a bucket list, but I have never thought of setting a date to have everything accomplished by. I always thought the timeline was “before I die.” But now I want to start accomplishing things on a daily basis.
I stole this idea from a few blogs, so thank you ladies for the idea. Without further ado, here is my list.
1)      Pick my own grapes and make my own wine
2)      Read one book every month (0/33) --> currently reading Julie and Julia!
3)      Buy a house
4)      Get my license
5)      Always have date night once a week (0/143)
6)      Have girls night once a month (0/33)
7)      Have a job that I love
8)      Help build a house (Habitat for Humanity?)
9)      Learn how to curl my hair
10)   Never let the savings account go below $5,000
11)   Send my Mom chocolate covered strawberries
12)   Workout atleast once a week (0/143)
14)   Donate blood
15)   Take a vacation every 6 months (0/6)
16)   Roadtrip cross-country
17)   Learn to surf
18)   Hit the lottery (more than 20 bucks!)
19)   Go to Mardi Gras
20)   Go back to Ireland
21)   Cook every recipe from atleast one cookbook
22)   Make ice cream
23)   Eat dessert once a week and not worry about calories (0/143)
24)   Learn how to shoot a gun
25)   Print out pictures more regularly…
26)   Go yard-saling with the hubby..and enjoy it
27)   Go to a Yankees/Red Sox game
28)   Learn how to make great mixed drinks
29)   Bring my own bags to the grocery store every week (0/143) --> already failed in the first week. EW.
30)   Always wear sunscreen…NO SUNBURNS
31)   Recycle whenever possible
32)   Find a church I like..and actually go
33)   Get a puppy
34)   Learn how to crochet
35)   Go on our honeymoon
36)   Go snowboarding
37)   Not be afraid of grilling by myself
38)   Take a photography class
39)   Go whitewater rafting
40)   Take a self-defense class
41)   Learn to play an instrument
42)   Pay for a strangers meal when they are dining alone
43)   Try out for a reality show
44)   Go to Hawaii
45)   Eat at a(nother) famous chef’s restaurant
46)   Serve a meal at a soup kitchen
47)   Go fishing
48)   Not worry about what I look like
49)   Comment more on other peoples blogs
50)   Stay up late, get up early
51)   Roadtrip to DC with the hubby
52)   Get (or give myself) a pedicure once a month (0/33)
53)   Go running with the hubby
54)   Take a pole dancing class
55)   Go on a cruise
56)   Watch the sunset..and rise on a beach
57)   Make more time for picnics
58)   Never turn down any opportunity
59)   Go to a concert with the hubby
60)   Go to the Marine Corps Ball
61)   Get rid of shoes I don’t wear
62)   Make my own pasta
63)   Own a full series on DVD
64)   See Paul McCartney live
65)   Use my history degree
66)   Spend more time with my Dad
67)   Call my great-grandmother weekly (0/143)
68)   Order steak medium-rare
69)   Get a tattoo every year (4/14/10!)
70)   Make the bed EVERYDAY (3/1001) --> This is going to be hard, I didn't do it on the SECOND day!
71)   Do “trash the dress” pictures
72)   Call more, text and e-mail less
73)   Donate to a charity
74)   Bake something once a week (1/143) (week 1: peanut butter chocolate bars!)
75)   Send birthday cards
76)   Change someone’s opinion
77)   Learn to fold hubby’s sleeves
78)   Be more patient
79)   Worry less!
80)   Stay in an expensive hotel and order room service
81)   Learn how to mow the lawn
82)   Watch a football game..and know what’s going on
83)   Do something daring with my hair
84)   Save money by learning how to cut hubby’s hair
85)   Take hubby to Fenway Park and eat a Fenway Frank
86)   Stop counting calories
87)   Stick with my gut instinct
88)   Get 100% on Back in the USSR on Rockband drums, while Mom is singing
89)   Buy something frivolous without thinking about it
90)   Get a massage
91)   Take a class in something, just because it’s interesting
92)   Learn basic plumbing
93)   Go golfing
94)   Sunbathe….nude!
95)   Go to more museums
96)   Worry more about myself, and less about others
97)   Make progress towards opening a restaurant
98)   Donate all my old prom dresses
99)   Send pictures to relatives without a computer
100)   Message the hubby’s feet!
101)   Donate $1 to a charity for everything I don’t cross off of this list!

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