Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm A Beautiful Blogger!

Well, atleast according to Expat Girl over at The Sand is Different Here. If you don't read her blog, you should start now! In a few short weeks her and Mr. Solider will be having a beautiful baby girl!

On with the award! Rules of the award say 'thank you' and list seven things about yourself. Soooo, Merci! Gracias! Thank you!

 1. I don't like ice in my drink unless I have a straw
2. I'd rather have the windows open than put on the air conditioning
3. My camera is always fully charged...and I always carry a spare battery!
4. I talk to my Mom multiple times a day. Thank God for text and e-mail!
5. I have a soft spot for 80's music. I have many memories that involve Footloose
6. I truly believe I have the most amazing friends and family in the entire world
7. I bake just for the fun of it...then give all goods away!

And now I'm giving this award to:
1. Krista at ArmyWife-Style
2. Alissa at Hope Floats
3. Sarah at Always & Forever
4. Gaile at Does This Baby Make Me Look Fat?
5. Mrs. Gambizzle at Life as a Sailors Girl
6. Nicole at Something Beautiful
7. Katie at Diary of a Disgruntled Marine Girlfriend
....You guys are B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!

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