Friday, April 16, 2010

I'm Having One of THOSE Days...

Ever have one of those days where you start thinking about one (bad) thing and then it just snowballs until it seems like nothing is going right?

Let's start at the beginning. I don't drive, I don't have a license..and really, I don't want to. In Massachusetts, there was no problem at all with this. Work was close, if I wanted to go into the city there was the train, and in the city there were subways. I had tons of friends, and I hate shopping I always just went with friends or family if they said they were going to the mall. Things were easy, things were great...and oh, I had a job.

Now, down here I still don't drive...which means no job, which means, no money...which in my mind, leads to us being poor and homeless. Oh, and also because I don't drive and know a grand total of three people (not including hubby!) I have zero life. Seriously, they need better public transportation down here. I would totally take a bus if I had to.

So now, I'm sitting here, heart palpitations and all, thinking about how pathetic I am. I went to college, got a degree...and what am I doing right now? Not a damn thing. This frustrates me to no end. Maybe I'll take strictly online classes and work for Avon and attempt to make some money until I someday get my license.


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