Friday, April 23, 2010

Show Us Your Life - How You Met Your Husband

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner

We get this question all the did you guys meet? I'm from Massachusetts, he's from Ohio. Really, how did our lives cross-paths? Our story, as strange as it is, started as a joke (to me atleast) and took off when he said he wanted to show me a picture of his tattoo.
Last year, around this time, I was getting ready to move to a little town near Chapel Hill, NC. I wanted to "meet" some people before I even got down there. So, I googled (of course) free dating websites. There's no way I was going pay to meet people! A lot of weird creepy guys messaged me, sent me poetry and told me about some fun stuff to do around the area. I had no intentions of talking to these guys, I just wanted to find out about the local bar and music scene! 

Then I got the message. It was titled "You Shocked Me."

I laughed. Outloud. And hard. It sounded like such a line to me, how many other girls got this same exact message. But I played along and started messaging him back. He told me to text him, so I used my AIM way I'm giving this guy my phone number! I went out that night, forgot about him, and drank heavily.
The next day he sent me a message on the website asking if I got the picture he sent me, uh no. He said it was of his tattoo that he just got. I love tattoos! So I gave him my number and he sent me the picture. Ooh la la! I was hooked! We started texting ALL the time, playing the "ask me anything" game, and talked the entire time I was moving from Boston to NC. We had so much in common, and yet we were so different. I loved hearing his voice and finding out that his Mom lived so close to my new town...and he was about 2 hours away in Jacksonville. By the time I got to North Carolina we had a date planned!

I was so nervous to meet him. What if he didn't like me, cuz well...I'm nerdy. What if I didn't like him? This was almost too good to be true! Our first date was a-m-a-z-i-n-g. We went to a local lake and out to eat. Drank way too many Blue Moons. It was perfect.

My roommate hated him. Her reason? "He has a son and he's a Marine." Um...ok. But I was so hooked on him. We hung out every weekend. He drove TWO hours every weekend to see ME. He wore his uniform and gave me flowers. I was in love instantly.

We moved fast, but the only person that gave us a hard time was my roommate (I started staying out more, which made her more mad...apparently I moved to be her bitch? No thanks!) He proposed in October and we were married in March. My friends and family love him. 

Someday I plan to send that great roommate a "thank you" letter. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have moved to North Carolina and I wouldn't have met Danny. Just leads me to believe...everything really does happen for a reason.

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