Saturday, April 24, 2010

What a Week...

at least the kiln is now firing! Of course it's not nearly as full as I would have liked but I had a handful of made to order items that needed to get taken care of for glazing this week. My biggest priority was getting more bead caps made though...I finally had a chance to check out Beads 2010 and everything I sent in made it to publication! That said, none of those items are stockpiled as I would like so I have some work to do.
Despite non-stop busy this week it seems that the weekend will allow a bit of a slower pace. I've said it before (and obviously this cheetah's spots haven't changed), I'm quite the procrastinator so the slower pace isn't a result of less to's a sign of more being avoided! So I think it's best if I show you the work of someone who doesn't have the procrastination bug... Michelle of Bohemianism sent me the link to this amazing necklace she whipped up recently. I love the mix of copper with the lagoon glazed pendant and the necklace itself is just divine!

A little about the food this week... my CSA box included some gorgeous Meyer Lemons. They're a mix between lemons and oranges so they aren't quite as acidic and tart but give a nice citrusy kick. A few of those lovelies turned into Meyer Lemon Crumb Bars for last night's dinner guests. Super easy to make and just Mmmmmm!

Today was a quick trip to the dog park with pupper and the neighbor's new (hopefully permanent) Shepherd mix puppy. Tomorrow hubster runs a 1/2 marathon so I'll have support crew duty...drop off at start line, pick up at finish with supplies (cold sports drinks, towel, camera, snack). It's a tough job but I've proven that I'm well qualified...haven't missed a finish line photo yet!

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