Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Circle of Friends

This award was given to me by Skinnie Piggie. This award actually means a lot to me because you are supposed to share it with five friendly people. I really do think I am a friendly person, sometimes even TOO friendly! Thank you so much!

The rules of the award are:
1) Post it on your page
2) List five things you looooove to do
3) Pick five friendly bloggers

Five things I love to do are....
1) Eat. I love eating, I love trying new things..I'll try anything once. I think I could be on Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmerman!
2) Travel. I have been to France, England and Ireland. For islands I've been to Aruba, St. Thomas and Jamaica. I love being on a plane and I love experiencing new and exciting things that places around here don't have to offer.
3) Theme Parties. Does that even need an explanation? I love dressing up for any occasion...mostly if it's a fake holiday!
4) Being with my Family. It sucks that they are 800 miles away from me. I hate hearing about parties that I missed and little trips to the store that I'm missing out on. But when I am home I make sure I see everyone and I love that staying in touch with people is so easy! (thank you Facebook!)
5) Scrapbooking. I have fallen so behind with it. I document everything. I keep every ticket stub, ribbon, and decoration. And I proudly display them in my many scrapbooks!

Now for my five friendly bloggers (these girls always leave me nice comments, advice, and I feel like I would be friends with them in real life!)

1) Jessie at What You Wish For
2) Natalie at Extraordinary Love
3) Mrs. S. at The Adventures of Mr. Superman and Mrs. S. (who btw, I want to share a gigantic meal with and talk about how much we love food!)
4) Gaile at Deployment (again)
5) Mrs. Gambizzle at Life as a Sailor's Girl

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