Friday, April 30, 2010

Show Us Your life - Money Saving Tips

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner

This is so my topic! I have an envelope system. No matter how much I explain how it works, no one understand how it works. But trust me, it does. I have gone on so many trips, saved so much money, and have never once said "sorry, I can't..I'm broke."
First step..I do not believe in debit cards. Hate hate hate them. I hate when I go out to eat, we get one bill to split, and everyone has a card. As a's also annoying. Ditch it. You will save money. I promise.

Next, when you get your check. Pay yourself first. Figure out how much you need until your next paycheck. Just fun money, not bills. Next, figure out how many bills you have and how much they are every month. Divide that by how many times you are paid in a month. Save just a little more than that. And you are golden.

Have a savings account. DO NOT TOUCH IT! It's to save's not a rainy day fund. But start one of those too!

At any given time I have about ten envelopes going. Currently we have: checkings, savings, Disney fund, gas money (yea, I break it down THAT far,) date night, grocery money, and then I have my own savings, checkings and rainy day fund. Seriously, it works. But you have to stick with it!

I clip coupons. I get frustrated with them at the store. But even a little bit helps! Don't use the ones that say "save 50 cents when you buy 2," unless you will actually use both! 

How do yoooou save money?

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