Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday Five!

 It's that time again..Thursday Five over at MannLand5. List five things that make you Happy, Giddy, Grateful, Joyful, Gleelful, or all of the above.

1. Tomorrow is Friday! And me and Danny are having a looong-overdue date. Sure, we go out all the time..but I can't remember the last time we had a legit date. Getting dressed up and headed out to a fancy-ish seafood place! I'm way giddy for this!

2. I'm so grateful for Danny. I swear, he is going to get sick of my endless complaining. For the first 15 minutes that he gets home from work, I swear all I do is whine and complain about my lack of sleep and how the dog drives me nuts. How is that fair? I need to work on this...majorly.

3. The cheap prices at Walmart make me happy. Up until a few months ago, I hated Walmart...I was strictly a Target girl. But the grocery prices at Walmart make me want to do a little dance!

4. I'm so overly joyed about the birth of my cousins little girl! I (still) honestly can't see him with a baby. I'm so excited for him and his wife and I can not wait to spoil meet her!

5. There are only 3 more episodes of LOST until the finale!! And my Roomie will be down here to celebrate with me, I'm so gleeful about that!

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