Friday, April 2, 2010

Congrats to March's Winners!

Welcome to April! I didn't get a chance to announce the winners from the monthly contest yesterday - but maybe that's a good thing since it was April Fools?

Just a reminder of how this works: I track every comment that I receive on my blog. Then, at the end of the month, the top three commentators win prizes! Whoever wins one month is not eligible the next month to win, so sometimes it's not actually the top commentator who wins that month, because I want to give everyone a chance!

Whenever I put up a collection of my latest works promoted I give people a chance to earn extra entry's towards my commentators contest. Those extra entries are in parenthesis.

This month things are just a wee bit different - I had a 4 way tie for 3rd place so I'm not going to be awarding that one this month. Sorry - I just couldn't do that many winners! So we just have a top two this month. And now for our winners!

1st - Beadwright - 8
2nd - Splendid Litle Stars - 7

Now to show off some of their stuff!

And now for the fun numbers :)

Top Commentator: This Month - 13 Last Month - 13
Total Commentators: This Month 48 - Last Month - 203
Total Comments: This Month - 98- Last Month - 256

Hehe - my numbers were a little inflated last month. Although I'll be honest - I'm so tired right now I can't for the life of me remember why! Let's just say I spent all day going to doctors appointments or running errands. None of the appointments were bad (mostly just maintenance, ya know, checking in) but it took all day. As soon as I notify the winners I'm going to go make myself a cup of tea and curl up with a book - I don't even want to bead tonight!

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