Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Back to Normal?

Can anyone truly say what's normal and what's not? It's an intriguing question... Anyway, life these last few weeks has been pretty crazy, but I think I'm going to be able to start getting back to something at least resembling my "normal" routine now. My ribs have healed up quite a bit so the pain is no longer interfering with my ability to get things done (at least not as much), I'm adjusting emotionally to the reality of my Granny having cancer, and the holiday craziness has calmed down a little!

Our holiday's aren't over yet though. My brother has been out of the country for the last two years and he comes home tomorrow night! I'm so excited! Since he's coming home right after Christmas, we put off celebrating our family Christmas until he could be with us, so that will be Thursday night. Saturday we have a big welcome home party too.

Despite that I should be able to get at least most of my normal stuff done! So hopefully you'll start seeing me around the forums and visiting your blogs more again :)

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