Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What We've Been Up To..

A whole lot of NOTHING. Which is ok sometimes, but other times, I want to pull my hair out from boredom! And being at home is finally starting to get to me, parents...can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em! Or maybe it's just the stress of planning a wedding..but man oh man, I have THE worst headache EVER!

Danny is totally addicted to Call of Duty. I've (re)discovered The Sims...huge time killer.

We met with the DJ Monday night. It was awesome. I'm totally psyched, it's going to be like a giant party. We talked about songs and different things to make the reception a lot of fun. I don't want to give anything away, but just's going to be an AWESOME time!

Today we met with the florist, way more money than I expected..and hopefully I get what I'm expecting. And we just came from the Justice of the Peace meeting. She was really really nice, and got us even more excited! We talked about different readings and little things to make the ceremony even more special. Very excited for all of that!

It's supposed to snow tomorrow. Which sucks. It better not get in the way of our New Years plans! DANE COOK!

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