Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Home Life

I've been in Massachusetts for two weeks and I'm loving it. I have been so busy with planning our wedding, working, Christmas shopping/parties, and catching up with my friends. And to top things off, I got a little sick over the weekend. Myself inflicted stomach pains started when I decided to eat two Fiber One bars a day, for a month..then decided to take Correctol. FYI: Always research side effects before taking medicine. Seriously thought I was dying. Dad wanted to take me to the hospital. All I wanted to do was cry. Thank God that's over and done with!

I went for dress alterations on Sunday! Wearing the entire outfit, complete with shoes, made me feel absolutely amazing. I can't wait to walk down the aisle in it! And my bridesmaids are going to look so beautiful, I love the dresses we decided on! We are also having a flower girl and ringer bearer. Of course, Kaleb will be the ring bearer. And Danny's niece will be the flower girl. It's going to be way cute!

I miss Danny a lot. We missed out on two weekends together. That's four nights of hugs, kisses and pillow talk. Might not seem like a lot, but when your used to seeing someone every weekend..it kinda sucks! I can't wait for Christmas Eve for Santa to bring him to me!

And a huge congrats to fellow blogger and USMC girlfriend, Allie, on her recent engagement! You guys are way cute and I'm so happy for you guys!

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