Sunday, December 6, 2009

Life with PAG - Lazy Sundays and What's to Come

Happy December! I can now breathe a huge sigh of relief after my exam yesterday, just in time to enjoy one of my favorite months. The snow is glistening outside as I type and sip hot chocolate, the Christmas tree is up, and I'm enveloped in my cozy pink Snuggie as holiday treats are baking in the oven ... sigh, life is perfect!

I've been a little MIA with posts lately due to studying, but here's a little preview of what's coming up this week:

- 5 minute work-appropriate makeup tutorial
- American Eagle XXS purchases

Today I will just share some photos from my first day of "relaxation" in a long long time. We had a little snow last night (first "real" snowfall this year, I think) and it looked beautiful this morning. What better way to enjoy it than by strolling to Sunday brunch?

View from my window this morning

Click "Read More" for pics : )

There's this little neighborhood restaurant/bar that just opened up by my apartment, and I couldn't wait to give it a try. They have these bar tables for 2 right by the window, made for people-watching.
Strolling to brunch (sadly, snow was already melted!)

Gorgeous raised-velvet wallpaper in the restaurant

Pulled chicken, mozzarella, tomato and basil panini (left)
Steak w/ potatoes, toast and poached eggs (right)

My tree!

Enjoy the rest of this weekend, and stay tuned for upcoming posts!

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