Monday, December 28, 2009

Best Christmas!

My favorite Christmas present came early. Danny flew into Boston on Christmas Eve. It was amazing. I haven't seen him since the end of November.

Christmas was so great. I got everything I wanted and more! Clothes, house stuff from Anthropologie, and lots of Norman Rockwell stuff! And my sister got us an IKEA gift certificate. LOVE IT! We ate LOTS of food and hungout with the entire family. I loved every minute of it.

Danny found out that there is a huge possibility of him staying at New River. Which I love. I know the area and already have some friends down there. Hopefully we'll know SOON if its really happening. Then I can start applying to schools and find a job. Oh, and a house. A house would be a good thing to have!

We're in Massachusetts for the week. I'm hoping atleast one day will be nice so I can show him the city! SO EXCITED!

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