Friday, December 18, 2009


AH! So last night I went to the bridal store with two of my bridesmaids, Lindsey and Veronica, to see if they liked the dress that the other two girls, Ashley and Michelle, liked. I had to ask my designated wedding dress planner when we should order their dresses by, she said it depends how many weeks until the wedding. I pulled out my calendar and OH.MY.GOD. It's only TWELVE weeks away. She was like you need to order them NOW. But since my friends (much like me) are poor, my Mom is going to order them, and they can pay her back.

I can not believe its only twelve weeks away!

I ordered invitations yesterday and they are a.m.a.z.i.n.g!

Save the dates are officially in the mail and people have already started to receive them! Now I can finallyyyyy show you guys what they look like!!


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