Sunday, December 20, 2009

Last Bazaar of the Season

Yesterday was my last bazaar of the Christmas season! I didn't think I was going to get to go because of my sprained ribs, but my wonderful Mother in law offered to come along and help out with carrying and setting up, so we went for it! For some strange reason I didn't get a picture of her though :(

La also came with us this week - and she was sitting there writing when bored :) Oh we were bored a lot. There were hardly any customers!

This was La's table. She's one of the people who really inspired me to start following my dreams and start selling my jewelry. She's a great friend/sister and we have a lot of fun!

This adorable little fairy that you see on my table is named Lira - and she's my crafty muse :) My dear friend Meri over at Elbit Enterprises made her for me as a Christmas present :D During the normal week she sits on my desk next to my laptop (Jack) where she watches over my work. And then she went with me to the bazaar - and she'll be doing that in the future too!

I also FINALLY remembered to put a sign up sheet for my newsletter this time! Hopefully that will be a regular feature from now on. I only got one sign up - but hey - that's one more reader!

I really need to learn to sit down and let other people help when I'm hurting! Even though my mother in law was there to help I still did too much yesterday - so my ribs are rather mad at me today. Oh well. At least we all had fun (and a couple of sales) and I got a bunch of crafting done :P

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