Tuesday, December 22, 2009


For our wedding, we decided we didn't want to have kids there. Kids are expensive, there is no way they are going to eat $42 worth of brunch. They are also needy, whiny, and messy. Not things I want on my wedding day. The one exception, Danny's son...I am still crossing my fingers that he will get to be in our wedding.

I knew all along that this would cause problems for some people. Mainly, the people who are traveling from different states. I still wasn't going to cave. If I invited one kid, I have to invite every little kid...and I have a bunch in my family. The money quickly adds up and my frustrations grow.

Danny's sister has a three year old daughter. Of course, I would like for Danny's entire family to be at our wedding, and since I'm hoping his sister will bring Kaleb, I had to make ONE exception. In order to make it fair, I decided to make her the flower girl. Seemed fair enough to me.

Here comes the frustration: I wrote his sister a nice Facebook message, saying it was nice to see them on Thanksgiving and I'm glad they are coming out for the wedding. And I also asked what size Amirah was because I was going to get the dress the next day. My message is still unanswered! AND I know she has been on Facebook because her status has changed. I'm sorry, but this is just rude. At this point, I would settle for just a single digit as an acceptable answer. I NEED TO BUY THIS FRIGGIN DRESS ASAP. I could just make an educated guess, but I'm not wasting my money until I know for a FACT that they are coming out here. Until then, my flower girl will not have a dress.

Or maybe I don't even have a flower girl. In which case, kids are STILL NOT INVITED.

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