Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Crafty ADD Update #19

It's been a long week - lots of ups and downs emotionally and physically - but I still got some done! Despite the fact that my hubby got me addicted to a video game and I fell HARD for my new addiction because it was a good escape from all the emotional drama :P


I only added a couple of inches to the scarf this week. I spent most of my yarn crafty time working on crocheting this week. But knitting a scarf doesn't take me very long any more so I'm still pretty confident this will be done on time :)


While technically this part of the pattern is really easy - I'm having a hard time with the stitch. Not that I'm messing it up really or anything (although I have had to pull out a few rows a few times when I missed a stitch), it's just that I'm VERY slow at it! Will this be done by Christmas? I don't know. At least I know the recipient is a 2 year old girl - and she'll be excited whenever she gets to unwrap it - late or not!


I've been at a quandary on how I present my jewelry on the crafty ADD posts. Because some days I work on bead woven pieces and have no finished product, some days I don't do anything, and other days I do a whole TON of small things. So I decided that every day I do jewelry work that's completed - I'll take a picture - and if I have a partially finished beadweaving piece I'll take a picture of it on Monday when I take my crocheting and knitting pictures :)

Wednesday night I made these up. The bracelet is a Christmas present - and I made the other two as I put away a whole bunch of supplies I'd bought and found myself inspired! I had picked up a baby food jar full of randomly strung beads, and Wednesday night I finally sorted them!

Friday night I finally put away a tube of large seed beads I had bought a couple weeks ago - well - put it away after making a memory wire bracelet! Which was my plans for the beads, so that's perfect. The earrings were a custom order for my mother-in-law that she's going to send to a friend for Christmas.

I just couldn't get in the bead weaving groove last week - but I finally pulled out my beads and started this bracelet! It's for my consignment store :)

I don't know when I'll be able to get new things on-line - I have a TON of stuff to put on-line but taking pictures is going to be hard because I have a sprained rib. Fun stuff yo!

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