Tuesday, February 9, 2010

EtsyBlogger of the Month: TiLT Creations

I'm a new EtsyBlogger and one of our responsibilities is to blog of course!  We have Featured Bloggers each month that we are to blog about.  This month is TiLT Creations.  She has 2 shops.  One is for handmade bags and backpacks and the other is for destash fabric and patterns.  I read her blog post for Feb 9th and completely identified with it.  I was in the same situation of getting lost in all that there is to do to sell your craft among several venues online.  I too have started implementing a block of time calendar as she suggests to do.  I've implemented reminders on my Outlook calendar to keep me to task.  I hope she has luck with her new 'Time Blocking'.  

To compliment her two stores, she has two blogs: http://tiltcreations.blogspot.com/ and http://tiltcreationstoo.blogspot.com/

This is my favorite bag in her shop: Janet Handbag in Grey Green


This fabric destash is my favorite. I think it would look lovely in a little girls room.  Pink, Brown, Green and White Striped Home Deco Fabric Destash 

Please go and check out her lovely shops and be sure to follow her blog.

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