Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Cabin Fever

I don't know how someone can stay in a house for a full week with no excitement at all. The highlight of my week so far has been watching LOST and texting Ashley during the entire thing. If I were home in Massachusetts, we would have had dinner and watched it together.

Other than my exciting three hour viewing of LOST, I have done zip-nadda-NOTHING. It's starting to get painful.

Now, you might be wondering what I would be doing if I were still in Massachusetts. WORKING, hanging out with friends/mom, PLUS I'd have all my stuff to keep me busy. But living in limbo leaves me totally and completly bored ALL THE TIME (Friday 6pm - Sunday 6pm, I'm happy as a clam!)

Less than 6 weeks until we are married. Hopefully soon we will have a place to live in Jacksonville. I can't wait to start working, making friends and having fun again!

Sidenote, me and the girls have been getting weird comments from some strange lady who likes to make her opinions a little too clear. I'm not sure about the other girls, but she totally offended me. Saying that I need to buy a cooking book and learn how to budget. Hi, I can't cook because I lack a KITCHEN...OH, wait...I LACK A HOUSE TO HAVE A KITCHEN. Butttttttt give me the stove and I'll whip a meal for you and all your friends. And a budget? Seriously? I'm pretty sure I still have the very first dollar I have ever made. Yes, I worry about money...BUT I ALSO WORRY ABOUT THE END OF THE WORLD, BEING FIVE MINUTES LATE FOR SOMETHING, AND OTHER THINGS THAT I CAN NOT CONTROL. I worry about EVERYTHING. So, lady-with-no-life...please, give me a break..I'm not in the mood for your crap.

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