Saturday, February 27, 2010

Featured Crafter: Bliss Street

I first met Bliss Street on Twitter. Just a few days before Christmas and her gift for her god daughter had not arrived. She asked for help on another gift. I jumped in to help. I always answer a cry for help.  I spent some time going through Etsy shops looking for the Urban Outfitter style. I so happened to know someone who wore the same style. I found a bag as a possible option incase the gift did not arrive, but fortunately her perfect gift arrived in the nick of time. 

Straight from Bliss St Shop announcement: Jewelry is portable art.  Here at Bliss St. we feature vintage, estate and antique jewelry. Including Bakelite, 30's, 40s,50's,60's, 70's, 80's, Victorian, art deco, art nouveau, arts and crafts. We have unique jewelry of many different medias including sterling silver, gold, costume, glass, and enamel.
You can get lost in her shop, but in a good way. Many of her vintage pieces can be grabbed up to upcycle great jewelry pieces or crafts for today.  One of the items I like in her shop are these unique handmade blown glass pendants...Don't Eat the Mushrooms.

If you're a charm girl, you'll like her large selection of charm necklaces.

You can find Bliss St anywhere on the web: Fan her on Facebook, Blog and on Flickr.  Be sure to visit her blog to get to know Bliss St and her vintage and indie jewelry collection. You won't regret it.

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