Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Happy!

I have so many things to be happy about...
1) This weekend is Valentine's Day. Our first one together. I really hope he doesn't actually buy anything for me though. I'd so much rather get all dressed up and go out to eat. And if he does buy me something, I hope it's not a box of chocolate...unless of course it's the chocolate strawberries or truffles from Godiva. We went to the store last weekend and I could feel my waist expanding just looking at them. I don't care though...they just look so so delicious!

2) I have a huge notebook with our budget and I'm DONE touching it. Seriously, I too EVERYTHING into account (with of course, saving money too.) If all goes according to plan, we will have no problem paying rent, utilities, cell phones, going on trips, date nights, grocery shopping...yada-yada-yada. You get the drift. I'm a worry wart and need to have a plan. And this plan includes me getting my license (ew) and having a job that pays minimum wage (hopefully I find something more, but if not..we will be able to make it work.) Getting another degree might have to wait a little longer..but oh well. Maybe I can find something that I can use my History degree for.

3) We will be in our apartment buy April 1st! I can't wait to have our own place and get all my stuff out of storage. I miss my huge wardrobe and cookbooks! It drives me nuts!

4) We are putting our car on the road Tuesday! YAY!

5) Our wedding is a month away!

Hope everyone has a great Valentines Day..even if your not physically with your guy right now..find a small way to celebrate and make it special. Or watch sappy movies and eat Ben and Jerrys..either way, have a great weekend!

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