Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Congrats to January's Winners!

Welcome to February and it's time to announce last month's winners! This time there were 4 winners, because there was a tie for second place! Woohoo!

Oh yes, and sorry I'm a wee bit late at getting this out. I forgot yesterday. Not good excuse, just absentminded :P

Just a reminder of how this works: I track every comment that I receive on my blog. Then, at the end of the month, the top three (this month 4) commentators win prizes! Whoever wins one month is not eligible the next month to win, so sometimes it's not actually the top commentator who wins that month, because I want to give everyone a chance!

Whenever I put up a collection of my latest works promoted I give people a chance to earn extra entry's towards my commentators contest. Those extra entries are in parenthesis. And now for our winners!

1. Splended Little Stars 9 (1)
2. Nico Designs 5
2. Story Beader 5
3. Patch First Shop 4

Here's some items from their wonderful shops :)

Congrats everyone!

Now for the fun numbers :)

Top Commentator: This Month - 15 Last Month - 19
Total Commentators: This Month 142 - Last Month - 37
Total Comments: This Month - 201- Last Month - 88

This month's numbers are inflated because I'm involved in the One World One Heart giveaway. I'm betting February's numbers will inflated too! Actually looking at the number of new comments in my inbox that came in while I was asleep, yah, I can guarantee it! I'm having fun though, and make sure you come by and enter my giveaway if you haven't already!

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