Thursday, February 4, 2010

Valentines Day - Artfire Style!

Now I must admit that Valentines day has, historically, not been one of my favorite holidays. In fact, I used to absolutely hate it! Why? Well, as a long time single girl/woman it was a slap in the face reminder that I WAS single. Some years I faced it defiantly, others I drowned it in chocolate. Now that I'm married (I know, it blew me away too) I actually like the holiday!

This week's BlogFire Carnival is all about either Valentines Day, or items in Red/Pink. Since I finally like the holiday I decided to show off one of my pieces, and some great gift ideas from three of my friends! Now ladies, if you've read this far and hate Valentines Day, you could always buy this as a gift for yourself! Why? Because your special. I said so!

*Hugs and Kisses*

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