Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bead Soup - and More!

Sorry I've been awol for a couple of days. I've been really sick. I'm on the mend now...I think...but not really sure. We'll see :)

Anyway, I had to show off the bead soup I got in the mail - and the new stuff I bought be before I got sick!

I'm participating in a Bead Soup Swap hosted by Lori Anderson and I got my beads in the mail this week! This picture doesn't do them justice, my brother shot a quick snap for me a couple days ago when I thought I might manage to blog while sick. Um. Yah RIGHT. That didn't happen.

The bag on the left are extra beads...and I plan on playing with those at some point after I make my Bead Soup Necklace :) I'll probably dump them out on my tray and see what inspiration hits. I'm betting I'll net several pairs of earrings and some new charms out of that conglomeration!

The bag on the right is full of gorgeous lampwork beads that compliment the focal and nifty toggle clasp that you see down on the bottom. I haven't decided yet what I'm going to do with them, but I plan on spreading them all out on my bead board and playing in the next day or two. The unveiling isn't until February 10th anyway, and I didn't want to work on the project while I was on quarter brain power while sick :P

Now for my shopping....I bought a ring stick! This means that soon I'll have rings available in my shop :D I've made up two already, and I'm excited to make more!

They also had a seed bead sale when I went in to by the ring stick (and a few other basic supplies I didn't bother photoing) so I got these! The white I needed anyway, the brown seed mix has so much potential, I've already used the iridescent beads (you'll see pics soon!), and I know EXACTLY what I'm going to use the red beads for :D

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