Monday, January 11, 2010

Crafty ADD Update #23

Last week was a bad one migraine wise (reacting to something new...) and I thought I didn't get very much done. The good news is that looking at the pictures shows I got more done than I thought!


What you see here is the death and rebirth of a project. The ball on the right is what was once the purple hat I was crocheting. The biggest problem was that I didn't think to check gauge until I was REALLY far into it...and my gauge was way off. My Mom and I thought we'd figured it out, but the problem was I could no longer do counts to double check myself. I was getting close to being done - and I realized that somewhere along the way I'd manage to get WAY off. I finally decided that the only thing to do was start over and MAKE SURE I'm in gauge this time! I also decided to make sure I had the right yarn (the ball on the right was close, but no quite). I tried starting it again today, and discovered I need yet a bigger size crochet hook. Good thing is I can get one from my Mom tomorrow :)

I also started a baby blanket this weekend! That was a whole fiasco though. Mom and I are going to be making matching baby blankets for my friends that are having twin boys. I'm doing a blue and white and she's doing a green and white. Which wouldn't have been a problem except that we some how managed to get two different types of yarns and so we had to go back and return some and refigure out colors a bit. But we're all good to go now!


Wednesday I made one of my last Christmas presents! I had put this one off, not because it was too hard, but just because I knew I wouldn't be seeing John until after Christmas so I knew I could put it off. I know that the shot of the dragon pendant is fuzzy, but I LOVE that pendant. John did too, so we're good there :)

Saturday I made up this simple necklace in pearls and swarovski crystals. It's a wedding necklace for a family friend. She wanted something very simple. The dress is a lovely cream, and I found pearls that match exactly! The crystals match her sisters (the maid of honors) dress. The one other thing I kept in mind when designing this piece was that the dress has several places where things are grouped in threes (pleats, edging, that type of thing) and so I duplicated that in the necklace by grouping the pearls in threes!

Yeah, I'm still working on this! Going sloooow. Mostly just because I haven't put anywhere near enough time into it :P Like I said, lots of migraines again this last week. Hoping to finally get it done in the next few days though so I can get going on my next projects in the pipeline!

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