Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wedding Invitations

Etiquette says you are supposed to mail invitation 6 weeks before the wedding. I decided to do it a little earlier for a few reasons. I have a lot of people traveling from different places who need to know information ASAP, and the hotel set a cutoff date for our guests to get the discounted rate.

My amazing Mom had the task of sending out the invitations for us, since they arrived in the mail after I came back to NC. I had everything ready for her, I even made address labels so she wouldn't have to write everything out. She sent out the invitations on Thursday, and by Friday..people in town had their invites! Yesterday everyone in North Carolina and Ohio got them, and I'm hoping Kansas gets theirs today, and the guys in Cali should have them by the end of the week! People have already started making reservations at the hotel!

I am 100% in love with our invitations. Here's what they look like! (obviously not with this info..but I'm lacking my own computer to scan things these days!)

It took me FOREVER to find something that I liked. Originally I wanted something with our wedding colors, but the second I saw these..I knew I HAD to have them!

Today I sent the cake lady ideas of cakes that I like. Hopefully she can figure something amazing out for me! When I go back to MA at the end of February, I get to go in for the tasting. The flavors sound amazing..chocolate and chambord! Marble and kaluha! I'll take one of each please!

And in other news, our good friend Justin was deployed this past week. He is Danny's bestman, but obviously will not be able to attend. However, his wife and one of my REALLY good friends will be able to come to the wedding. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

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