Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

As I get older, I feel like time is literally starting to fly by. I feel like I was just celebrating 2008 being over. My first scorpion bowl seems like ages ago, but it was literally a year ago. 2009 was amazing. Better than I thought it was going to be. I moved out of my parents house and moved over 800 miles away from home. It was a huge growing experience. And most importantly, I met an amazing man who I am going to marry in 69 days. Last year at this time marriage was so far out of my mind, but now its a constant thought!

Me and Danny celebrated the New Year drinking beers at Boston Beer Works and cracking up with Dane Cook. We watched the ball drop in a train station, while waiting for the train. It was such a weird and strange feeling celebrating with a bunch of strangers. Everyone clapped and was pretty cool!

Last night we went to a bar with my friend Lindsey. She told me she had a wedding surprise for me, I can't wait to find out what it is! She is also going to give a toast at our wedding..sure to be the highlight of the night. HAHA!

We only have one more day left in Boston. We're going out to brunch with my sister and her boyfriend in the morning..then its packing and cleaning time. I should already start looking for a ticket back to Boston for the middle of February. I still have to do the cake testing and the general tasting at the hotel! Then there's doing the escort cards and gift bags for out of town guests. SO SO much to do!

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