Monday, January 25, 2010

The Burrito Fight

I have been trying so so hard to eat right. Literally, my diet consists of Special K bars, Slim Fast bars, 90 calorie bars, fruits, lean cuisines/normal dinner. But along with this means that I'm hungry sooner in the evening and want to eat dinner at a senior citizen hour.

Last night I had dinner a healthy choice potsticker meal around 5:30. It was delicious. Then we got in the truck and headed out for the two hour ride out to Jacksonville.

I was STARVED when we got out here and Danny pulled into taco bell for himself. I sucked it up and threw caution to the wind and ordered the 89 cent 5-layer burrito. It weighed a ton. I unwrapped it and the gooey cheese came leaking out onto my palm, obviously it was going to be I decided to wait til we were no longer driving to eat it.

Then he said it.

"I'm only eating this because I know I have PT in the morning and will be working all the calories off."

I heard:

"Jeez fatty, maybe you shouldn't be eating that unless you plan to run a marathon and starve yourself for the rest of the week."

Needless to say..I didn't eat the burrito.

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