Saturday, January 23, 2010

Featured Crafter: Sweek Creek Herbs

This Tennessee gal is a herb growing, butter whipping, salve making selling machine, so that means her products are that good! She has a loyal customer base and I'm happy to say I've joined that group.  I have her Bulgarian Rose Whipped Butter. I live in a drier climate now then I'm used to and it's played havoc on my skin. Within just a few days of using the butter, my skin was going back to normal and also smelling really good. 

I like that on her Etsy shop her headline is 'Affordable Luxury in Handmade Skin Care' and that is so true. From my tweets with her and the quality product, I can tell she is passionate and proud of what she does.

You have a chance to sample some of her products in a double giveaway she is having. Visit her blog for details on how you can enter to win.

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