Sunday, January 17, 2010

Trying Something New

I've been wanting to make a beaded ring for awhile now...but I keep putting it off. Part of it was that I wanted to make one for myself before I even consider making them for the shop. That wouldn't be such a problem excpet for awhile I didn't have a wedding ring. Why? Well, I gained a lot of weight in the last two years due to the meds the docs have me on, so my ring didn't fit any more. And I REALLY didn't want a beaded ring on one finger when there was nothing on my ring finger! We got me a new, plain silver, band for Christmas, so I decided it was time to move forward and make a beaded ring for myself!

I started with purple, of course, and it was really easy. The hardest part was seeing just how fat my fingers are :P I think it's cute, but it's way to wide. So I'm going to tear it apart and make a second one. With two colors this time I think...

Will these be appearing in my shop? Probably eventually. I need a ring stick though so I can make them in proper sizes.

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