Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Crafty ADD Update #22

I think this is probably the shortest Crafty ADD post I've done since I've started! That's ok though - last week was pretty full between my brother coming home, celebrating a late family Christmas, and just life in general. I also spent some time for myself writing, which I think I really needed! Hoping to get back to a more normal routine this week and balance out between crafty time and writing time. We'll see how it goes!


I didn't get very much done on this - and I kinda messed up one of the sides, but Mom says it will work out anyway so I don't have to take it out. *phew* Since the toddler this is for has her birthday next month I've officially moved this from a Christmas present to a birthday present :P


This is my other late Christmas present that I have in the works - but that's ok - she'll love it whenever I get it done :D

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