Friday, January 29, 2010

Jacksonville Lovin'

I have been in Jacksonville all week, my first time since either November or December. I came down because I wanted to meet Vogt's fiance, Samantha. We have been hanging out in the hotel all week, mostly doing nothing. The first day we were SO bored, we WALKED two miles to Walmart...because there was nothing better to do. Other than that, not a damn thing.

I do love seeing Danny everyday though. We, of course, went to our favorite diner one night. I love it because its so friggin' cheap. And then we went to a Mexican place, which was delish. And last night we went to Ihop. My question many pancakes can one person eat on the unlimited deal? Keep in mind, it also comes with 2 eggs and hashbrowns. I had two pancakes. I don't think I could handle more than that! HOWEVER! It's like Chinese food, I was hungry two hours later, wishing for more pancakes.

We drove by the apartments that we applied to. They look really nice. However, there isn't really much within walking distance for me to work at. There is a CVS, Food Lion and a pizza place. Honestly, anything will do for the time being, until I get my license. We just need money and I really don't care where it comes from!

Speaking of money. Last night we walked around Target and I got a little depressed. All the spring/vacation clothes are out and this is the first year I don't have a vacation planned. Three years ago it was St. Thomas, then Aruba and last year was Jamaica (and many other awesome vacations before I moved.) But as of right now I have no vacations planned this year. Hopefully that changes. Hmm...maybe I can come up with something good for my tax money!

Right now Samantha is on the phone with Vogt. He failed room inspection last night and can't leave this weekend. Which means she doesnt' have a ride back home to Delaware. UGH. I would not be happy if I were in her shoes!

No real plans for this weekend. Buying our car this weekend and probably just hanging out attempting to save money...which needs to happen!

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