Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kreativ Blogger Award

I want to thank Capricorn One Vintage for awarding me the Kreativ Blogger Award. 

Capricorn One Vintage (COV) received this award from the Riddle blog.   COV is paying it forward.  She has chosen seven other fine bloggers to give this award to.  Me being one of them, it is now my turn to pay it forward.  Rules of course have been applied.  After copying the award from COV's blog, I now have to write 7 things about me you may not know.  Then pick 7 other fine bloggers to give the Kreativ Blogger with links to their blogs. I will be letting them know they've been chosen. 

Here are 7 things you may not know about me.

1. I do a community service project every month.
2. I'm crazy about the zoo.
3. I have been a nanny for 6 kids, whom I call my '6 pack'. I still keep in touch with them.  15,14,13,11,9,7.  We've travelled the world together and I was fortunate enough to be with all of them since they were babies.
4. My favorite color is yellow
5. I'm not one for chocolate, but put cream cheese frosting on it and I'm there. 
6. I paid for college by myself.
7. I name all my cars. The car I have now is my first boy car.  His name is Gus.  He's a Pontiac Aztek. It just seemed to fit.   I love my Gus.  I've had Cherry Blossom and Jade before.

7 Blogs I am Paying Forward (Rules for you outlined below)

Rules to Pay it Forward
1. Copy/paste the Kreativ Blogger Award picture onto your blog
2. Thank the person who awarded it to you and post a link to her/his blog
3. Write 7 things about yourself we might not know
4. Choose 7 other bloggers to award
5. Link to them
6. Notify your 7 bloggers of their award

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